misbehaving (smut/torture) *continued

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"Hey! Put me down" I yell while hitting her back

She puts me in a chair in the middle of the room. The sight makes me widen my eyes in nervousness.

"I'm sorry billie I was just messing around" I pleaded with glossy eyes

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"I'm sorry billie I was just messing around" I pleaded with glossy eyes

Why am I crying, I guess the thought of disappointing her upset me.

"You made me upset babygirl" She said while coming towards me with a whip and vibrator.

She then placed them on the table next to me.

"Don't cry angel" She said stroking my face causing me to whimper

She pick me up and put me bending over the chair and taking my thong off

"You are not allowed to cum unless I say so" She told me sternly "or else" Sending shivers down my spine.

She straped the vibrator to stay on my clit and grab her whip.

"Mhmmm daddy please" I moaned already feeling the overwhelming sensation in my stomach

She spanked me so hard I started crying

" Don't *SPANK Roll *SPANK Your *SPANK Eyes *SPANK At *SPANK Me!"

"FUCKKK I'm sorry daddy" I scream

She removes the vibrator and puts a gag into my mouth then lines herself up.

She starts doing long hard thrust, so hard I can feel it in my guts.

"Daddy doesn't like bad girls does she" She says while still rearranging my guts

"No" But I sounds muffled do to the gag

She spanks me "no what!" She she says full and stern

"Daddy!! Ughhh" I beg

She starts to go so hard the chair is about to tip over

"Are you gonna be a good girl now kitten" She asks me


I was in pure ecstasy, with my eyes rolled to the back of my head whimpering while she's completely destroying me.

"Knees now" She says looking at me dead in the eyes

I get on my knees and she pushes her length into my mouth and I immediately start sucking.

"Fuck princess I'm gonna cum" She yells

She throat fucks me with all the strength she has. Her eyes are rolled back, she's shaking... I love seeing her like this and knowing I caused it makes it better.

Her cum shoots into my mouth and I swallow.

"Good girl" She say and kisses my head

"Keep it up and you can get a collar" She whispers in my ear while taking the gag off

"Collar?" I ask confused my voice raspy from all the screaming

"Mhm hmm, but only good girls get collars, and if you do get one you get access to other things like calling me by my name... Understand?"


"Let's go get I'm the shower my love" She says as she helps me up

I actually really like being billies submissive, I love when she kisses me or holds me, I love..... Her. And I'm gonna try my hardest to get a collar to earn more trust.

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