attention (Safewords)*smut

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Ever since Billie and I got caught at Dani's party she's been very distant. I even tried to act disrespectful by talking back and the most she's done is spank me.

Lilith: "Billie! Where are you" I yell looking all over the house.

I don't get a response so I just look where she's most likely at.... Her office.

She doesn't like me just barging in like this but whatever I want attention... no Need it, I crave for her touch.

I walk across the Hall to Billie's office and burst through the door.

Lilith: "I was fucking looking for you!"

She just stared at me with a blank face.

Billie: "knees now!"

I gulped and got down on my knees slowly. I'm now kneeling in front of her desk feeling vulnerable as hell.

Billie: "how dare you you barge in here like that!"

Lilith: "I'm sorry daddy" I said pleading

Billie: "and you raised you're voice at me!" She yelled while making her way towards me

I was now quivering on the floor feeling kinda guilty but I also haven't gotten any action for weeks so it kinda feels great.

Billie: "go to the playroom now!" she said leaning down and grazing my bottom lip

Lilith: but i-

Billie: "Hey!" She said and smacked my inner thigh.

Billie: "I said go now!"

I quickly run off hearing Billie's slow footsteps behind me.

I hesitate to open it know I'll get my shit rocked and probably won't be able to walk for weeks.

Billie grabbed my wrists and opened the door herself

Billie: "go get daddy's special paddle baby" she said staring into my eyes

Lilith: "okay". I say barley above a whisper

I grabbed the paddle off the wall and slowly took my pants off knowing how this goes.

Billie's special paddle 🔝

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Billie's special paddle 🔝

I turn around to see Billie already sitting on the couch man spread just glaring at me.

Billie: "come lay on daddy's lap princess" she says with a come here motion

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Billie: "come lay on daddy's lap princess" she says with a come here motion.

I lay on her lap with my ass slightly up in the air.

Billie: "you're so pretty baby". She whispers while run her fingers along my legs.

Billie: "Too bad you're a very bad girl" she says ripping my Lacey black underwear off making me flinch.

The a loud smack comes crashing on my butt.

"Ahhhh!" I cry out gripping her shorts

Billie: "calm down Bambi" She says running her fingers through my folds

The paddle came down again harder than the last time but doesn't stop, it keeps coming down repeatedly.

Lilith: "fuckkkk!!"

I'ma have to use it..... My Safeword.

Will she be upset with m-

I got cut off my another smack on my left cheek

Lilith: "YELLOW!!!"

Lilith: "oh my god, please yellow!!!" I plead while crying

She immediately stopped and put me so I'm straddling her

Billie: "it's okay angel" She said while rubbing my back and kisses my forehead

Billie: "lay down on you're stomach baby"

Lilith: "no no no! I can't take anymore" I say with pleading eyes

Billie: "I'm not going to I promise" She says and kisses my tears

"Okay" I whisper and lay on my stomach while she gets up to got on the other side of the room.

She walks back over with oil and an ice pack.

She pours the oil on my cheeks and massaging them while humming "my future".

Billie: I'm not upset you used you're safe word. It's the reason I gave it to you, okay baby?

Lilith: Mhm

She lays the ice pack across my butt and  sits on the floor in front of me

Billie: learn you're lesson now Bambi? She jokes then kisses my lips

Lilith: my butt is sore! I complain

Billie: awwww poor baby! She pouts then laughs

Note to self never yell or barge in on Billie.... You're ass will get torn up.

Author's note:

Was it good? 😕

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