black out.

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Liliths POV:

I woke up to hearing pots and pans clinging and banging together.

I didn't immediately think it was Billie cooking because then I'm pretty sure the house would be burned down, She's more of a baker...... And it should stay that way.

I giggled at my thoughts

I still feel weak and a little sick from yesterday so I go to the bathroom am take some medicine.

I look in the mirror and see that I still look extremely pale, almost dead like.

I sigh and walk down the stairs to be met with Billie setting down a bouquet of roses.

"Hello angel" She said with a comforting smile

She then did a come here motion

I was a little hesitant but slowly walked over to which she noticed and frowned.

I walked over and stood next to her

"I'm not gonna hurt you, okay?" She whispered and touched my cheek

"Yesterday was my stupid mistake" She continued and then pulled me into her embrace.

She let go of me and took a good look at my face noticing how pale I looked.

"I set up a day where we can just be each other's company and watch movies and shit" She said and picked up a couple movies that were next to her.

"Thank you" I whispered and hugged her waist

"By the way, your brother messaged me" She said a ran her fingers through my hair

"What did he want" I replied melting into comfort

"He said you haven't contacted him at all and he was worried"

That's right I haven't contacted anyone or checked up on my brother.

Now I feel guilty

"How was he?" I ask now looking up at her

"He said bills are doing fine and that he had gotten a raise, now making $30 an hour".

He is doing way better without me.

I was just a burden to him.

These thoughts kept running through my head.

I'm happy for him but was I any help.

I then start to think about how I'm no help to anyone.

I start to think of my parents, are they disappointed in me?

I'm not making my own money, I'm basically a sugar baby.

I tear up and start to hyperventilate.

I hear Billie faintly calling my name in the background of the loud string of beeping that's playing in my head.

Then I black out.

Billies POV:

Lilith is standing next to me in a day dreaming like state.

" Mamas? " I call

"You good" I ask again tapping her and trying to get her attention.

She starts gasping for air.

I immediately start to panic and reach to grab her but she just drops.

"CALL 911!" I scream to the maids I have hired for the day

I pick her up and lay her on my lap checking her pulse.

We stay in that position for 5 minutes

She's breathing.

She looks even more pale than before.

I hear sirens from outside the house

Then I hear the door open and a bunch of footsteps running to where I am.

The paramedics put her on a stretcher loading her onto the ambulance.

Then two men come up to me bombarding me with questions like

"How long has she been Onconsious!"

"What happened!"

"Does she gave any medical problems"

I try to give them the best description possible.

They tell me I can drive behind them to the hospital.

They lead me outside where I saw them strapping her in.

She looked dead.

Author's notes:


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