switch pt.5 cum control 🔞

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Billies POV:

I make my way up stairs and into they play room.

                    -5 minutes later-

I've been sitting here waiting for lilith to come upstairs in pain because this boner has become unbearable.

There was already precum drip from my tip leaving a small puddle on my shorts.

She opens the door and and looks at me

   "Strip and go sit down on the leather couch"

I obey and start taking off my shorts and  shirt.

My obvious painful erection is now visible to which Lilith laughs at.

She grabs a vibrator and a leash

She walk over to the leather bench like seat.

   "Come here"

I walk over to her and she brings the leash up to my face.

   "Turn around baby"

I slowly turn around and I feel her put the  leather leash on my neck.

She pulls the leash so I lean my head back her hands trail down my stomach and to my dick.

She touches the tip and it causes me to tense up and whimper.

   "Are you in pain baby?" She asked rubbing my tip with her two fingers.

I nod but she shakes her head in disproval.

   "Use your words so I know please"

   "Yes, please help it" I whine clawing at her arm when she touches a sensitive part on my length.

  "Sit down baby" She says while reaching for some handcuffs

I sit down and she tells me to put my hands behind the chair.

She then hand cuffed then then blind folded me with my shirt

She grabbed a hold of my cock and jacked it off a bit making my eyes close and mouth open in pleasure.


She stops jacking me off but I can't see what she's doing I just hear a bunch of rattling.

I hear a load vibration sound, then out of nowhere it gets even louder.

She puts the vibrator on my cock and the intense vibrations almost make me cum on the spot.

  "Hold it baby, you can wait we just started" She scolds noticing how my hips are thrusting up onto the vibrator.

  "Tell me how much you want to release"

   "I wanna cum so bad mommy, please it's overwhelming" I beg and my eyes start to water

She puts the vibrator right on my tip and I start to shake.

   "You wanna cum baby?"

   "Aghhhh!" "Yes yes please!"

My hips thrust up and I think I'm about to cum.

But then she takes to vibrator off and unties my shirt from around my face.

   "I wanna see your sweaty crying face while begging to cum" She says and bends down to suck my cock.

I thrust into her mouth which made her stop sucking me and get up.

   "Please it hurts, I wanna cum in your mouth" I whine still bucking my hips

She sits on my thigh and starts grinding on it while moaning in my ear.

   "You want you're throbbing cock in my pussy baby"

   "It's called cum control baby, you have to be on the verge of Cumming then see if you can hold it" She says getting off my thigh

She kneels in between my legs and grabs the vibrator and runs it up and down my cock while she sucks the soul out of my tip.

   "Thrust" she mumbles

I thrust into her mouth and groan when I feel my orgasm coming up again.

  "Fuck fuck fuck!" "I'm Cumming, please let me!" I cry out sweat and tears running down my face.

   "Cum for mommy" She says moving the vibrator closer to the top of my shaft.

I thrust up a couple of times making me see stars as I spurt my cum in her mouth.

She swallows it then licks the rest off my cock making me jerk back and whimper.

   "Aww, my little sensitive baby" 

She gets up to get me out of the hand cuffs.

   "Did I do good?"

   "You did amazing baby" I reply out of breath

Authors note:

How was it?? 🤭

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