Chapter 20

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At the entrance of the fortress


We are at the entrance. I sense Muzan in there. I sense many other demon, werewolves and vampires. Everyone is ready. I am a little nervous about Shinobu and Kanae so I am keeping a close eyes on the two of them. We walk in and it is like my realm. I teleport to the nearest demon I sense and kill it instantly. The others follow me.

"Wait up Y/n." Tanjiro says

I sense something else. The doors close but I teleport everyone back to the mansion. I see Muzan smiling at me evilly.

"I see you sensed it was a trap. I knew you had figure that much out." Muzan says.

I see the upper moon 1. There is a a sound and all demons are on me. I instantly kill them. I am not playing around. Some skims me and I instantly feel it. It is poison Erwin use to use on me. Veins bulge out of my head arms and stomach. I start to cough up blood. Some of my skin turns purple. They all come at me at once. I dodge some of their attacks. I some hit but do nothing to me. My skin and body is so weak. One attack from Muzan goes through my body.

More portals open and I see many demons from hell. I instantly kill everyone in the fortress. I walk outside. I run to the others. I see many werewolves and vampires. I kill most of them in a signal attack. More come to me.

"Y/n!!!" Tanjiro says.

They try to attack them but I take them. More poison goes in me. I spit out blood everywhere.

"Y/n stop!! You are hurt!!!" Shinobu yells.

I keep taking the blows and they keep coming. Gyomei tries to help. He is about to be hit.

"Gyomei!!!!" Tengen yells.

I push him out of the way and I feel the poison course through my veins. I yell in pain and I feel my skin melting.

"AHHHHHHH." I yell in agony

I fall to my knees and I sense many demons coming at me. I kill them all. I run to the others. I see demons come behind him. I am hit in the chest with a sword. I keep blocking and protecting everyone. I hear their yells and pleas with for me to stop.

"Y/n you are hurt. You need to stop fighting." Inguro says.

There is a demon behind Kanae.

"Move Kanae!!!" I yell.

The demon is too fast. I run and push her out of the way. My arm is taken off. I keep fighting. I teleport some of the others away. The hashira stay. I can't feel my other arm. It is chopped off. Erwin appears and his is pissed off. No more demons come out. He teleports his sword. My body starts to shut down. I can't move and I fall to the ground gasping for air. My airways close. Erwin teleports to the others. He stabs Sanemi. The others try to fight back but their swords break immediately on impact.

"Stop it!!!" I yell

He looks at me and laughs. I don't have anymore strength. My wife, my sister, my friends will die if I don't do something. I get up and Erwin looks at me.

"Wow you stand up after all of my poison in you. That would kill the normal human 50 trillion times over with the amount I gave you." Erwin says.

I don't have my arms. I summon my scythe and put the handle in my mouth.

"You can't beat me in the state you are in. I will give your friends painless deaths if you give up now." Erwin says.

I growl.

"I am taking that is a no. Well then why not start with you Y/n." Erwin says.

I run at him and try to attack him but he is too fast. Erwin slams my face in the ground.

"This is to stupid friend. A god who could not carry out his duty to kill people. Now I will take on that role and kill all of you." Erwin says.

"Y/n!!!" Shinobu yells.

Erwin breaks my legs. I yell in pain.

"Please spare them." I whisper.

"You could have done that if you did what you were told to do which is kill." Erwin says.

He makes a hole in my chest. His hand turns to fire and he puts his hand on my face. It burns so bad. I can't talk but only yell in pain. The price of being a god. I try to get up and I scratch his face. He laughs at me. I push him.

"Y/n come on. Play with me some more. I can't wait to talk to Shinobu. Maybe we can get married. Oh how fun that would be." Erwin says.

"Shut up!!!!" I yell.

He won't hurt my wife. Not in a million year. I run at him at top speed and cut him in half. I pant heavily. I go in front of the others. Shinobu hugs me and she cups my cheeks. I kiss her forehead. Tears form in her eyes. I run at him and slice his neck.

"You bastard!!!" I yell.

"Hahahaha!! Y/n let me play with Kanae and Shinobu." Erwin says.

My leg explodes and I fall down. I use the rest of my strength and kill him. I try to regenerate my leg. I see the moon and I look up in the sky.

"Mom I am coming." I whisper.

Wait for me. I see the others run over to me. Shinobu kisses my forehead.

"Y/n please stay with me." Shinobu says.

Giyu snd Gyomei carry me back to the mansion. Everyone is shocked to see me like this. Shinobu takes me to her office. She starts to fumble around with the medicine. I get off the table.

"Y/n you need to get back on the table!" Shinobu says.

I walk over to her and it takes a lot of energy but I regenerate one of my arms and hug her. Shinobu starts to sob in my chest.

"I will always be by your side. No matter what gets in our way." I say.

"Don't leave me. Please live!!" Shinobu cries out.

There is a boom. We run outside. It is two werewolves. See the master being held hostage. I run and get him back. I put him down near Inguro. I see Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke are hurt badly. I get them and no one can see. I kill the two werewolves. I start to walk out of the mansion.

"Y/n wait!!!!" Sanemi says.

I go to the grave were my mom was buried. I see her body out. I walk go the grave and fall into the pit.

A Reaper's Tale: Shinobu x male reader Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora