Chapter 24

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Next day


I wake up feeling so tired. I miss Shinobu. I hear tussling and see some hikers. I immediately take one of them. The others can only hear the guy scream. I pick him up with by the neck. I look at him. I wonder if he knows anything about these woods. I look and see a book. I take his backpack and start to read the book. The guy looks at me in aw. The others scream and run but he stays. Strange?

What the man looks like

What the man looks like

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"You are in legends. You are the god of death, Pyramid Head." The man says.

I do nothing and flip through the pages. I lay down and he pats my head. He feels how strong my triangle helmet is.

"Hard as a rock I see." The man says.

He smiles happily at me.

"You are friendly." The man says.

I take the book with me and leave right away. I go down the mountain. I see the mansion. I go to the front. A demon slayer sees me and I roar loudly. Everyone can hear me. I run back into the woods. I make a portal back to my realm. I have to get back to my human form. I start to transform back into my human form. I go back to my home and lay on the bed. I wish the place had more color. Everything is black and gray. I hear the sirens. I start to fall asleep. I can't remember who severed with me in my realm or our realm. I can't remember her but I know I had strong feelings for her.

I get up and walk around. Many of the monster bow down when they see me. I sigh and make a portal to Shinobu. She sees me.

"Y/n where the hell were you and where are you now." Shinobu says.

"I am was in my realm. There was something that came up." I say.

Kanae comes in and see me talking to Shinobu.

"Y/n where are you." Kanae says.

I come into there world. I feel so weird. I sit down. Kanae comes over to me. I look up at her.

"Can I have a hair cut." I say.

They both look at me a bit surprised.

"Are you sure. That is usually your hair style." Kanae says.

Something is going on. I am so scared. That women is in my mind. I nod. Shinobu looks at me with worried and concern. Many thoughts go through my mind. I get up and walk out. I will just have someone else do it. I walk by Tanjiro. He sees how pissed off I am. I go to the barbershop.

"Hello sir. What would you like me to do. Guessing why you are here is to get a haircut." He says.

I nod and sit in the chair.

"How would you like it." The man says.

"Whatever you think looks good." I say.

He nods and starts cutting my hair.

A Reaper's Tale: Shinobu x male reader Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora