Chapter 21

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Butterfly mansion


I wake up in the hospital ward. Kanae and Shinobu are by my side. Tanjiro looks at me worried.

"Y/n are you ok. How are you feeling." Tanjiro says.

I look around and see Inosuke sleeping. Zenitsu is yelling at Aoi. I get up and walk to Shinobu.

"Y/n you should sit down." Shinobu says.

I kiss her and pull her closely.

"I love you." I say.

"I love you too honey" Shinobu says.

"Y/n don't let them make me take the medicine!!!" Zenitsu screams

Shinobu smiles but I can tell she is a little annoyed and wants to spend some alone time with me. Kanae laughs a little. I am about to walk out. Aoi steps in front of me.

"Where do you think you are going." Aoi says.

"I am going to my room." I say.

"Even though you are the master wife you must follow the rules. You must stay in here for the day and do recovery training tomorrow with the other three hoodlums." Aoi says.

I sigh.

"It is not that bad Y/n." Tanjiro says.

I see the girls come in and they hug me. I smile happily.

"It is so good to see you three." I say.

"We missed you Y/n!!!!" The three says.

I hear yelling. My arm hurts. It is my right arm. My leg has a cast on it and my right arm is bandaged up. I lay back down and Shinobu holds my hand. She kisses my forehead. Zenitsu watches in jealousy.

"Y/n you are so lucky!!!" Zenitsu yells.

"How?" I say.

"You have a woman at your feet!!!! You can let her touch you whenever and be pampered like a child. You can have her do whatever to you!!!" Zenitsu screams.

My eyes widen. Everyone is surprised.

"Y/n how could you have such a beautiful wife!!!! How many times have you fucked!!! You are such a lucky man!!! How many times have you kisses!!!! No one likes me!!! I am going to die if I don't get married!!!!!!" Zenitsu yells.

What the heck is going on.

"Zenitsu calm down. Y/n is really tried." Tanjiro says.

"Noooooo!!! He is so lucky and he takes it for grant it." Zenitsu yells.

I get up and there is a scary aura around me. She is my sun. I would never take her for grant it. Zenitsu yells again.

"Why did you ask these questions. It is none of your business." I say coldly.

I summon my scythe. Shinobu gets in front of me.

"Honey don't take your anger out on him. I will teach the boy a lesson. You must rest." Shinobu says.

I summon my scythe away. I hug her and start to fall asleep.

Next day

I feel Shinobu cuddle up to me. She kisses me on the cheek. I smile happily. It is the morning. Kanae comes in and gets some water for me.

A Reaper's Tale: Shinobu x male reader Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora