Chapter 29

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We get back to the butterfly mansion. I go back to our room. Shinobu joins me. She starts gaging and throws up in the toilet. I hold up her hair and rub her back.

"Thanks honey." Shinobu whispers.

"Anything for you." I say.

I kiss her cheek. She stops throwing up and we get back to bed. I start to fall asleep as soon as I get in bed. Shinobu puts mouthwash in. She gets back in bed and cuddles up to me.

"Honey why were you so scared in the mountain. I saw the look in your eyes." Shinobu says.

"A monster was able to mess with my mind and I see my mother. She then turned into a monster. When I was about to kill it butterflies appeared. I tried to kill the monster again but it soon turned into you. I was doubting myself and thinking I actually killed you." I say.

"It is ok. You would never do that honey. I know you well. You are the kindest person I know." Shinobu says.

I don't want to let go. Shinobu kisses my cheek.

"Let's get some sleep." Shinobu says.

I nod and start to fall asleep.

Later on

I wake up feeling so tired. Shinobu is puking. I immediately get up and help her. I carry her back to bed. I feel her start to relax in my arms. Kuraha comes in. I immediately shield my wife.

"Knock before you come in. We could have been doing it." I say.

Shinobu pulls on my ear mad.

"Sorry but some of the hashira are going out to drink. Would you like to come you two." Kuraha says.

Memories flood my mind of when Shinobu was in a coma.

"No thank you and you touch one of my family I will kill you. Even if we are friends." I say coldly.

He sees how serious I am and teleports away.

"Honey don't be so harsh. He means well." Shinobu says.

"I won't let anyone hurt our family. I have not seen him in so long. I don't know what to expect and what to be cautious." I say.

Shinobu kisses my forehead.

"I know honey but please be a little bit more nicer." Shinobu says softly.

"Anything for you." I say.

She chuckles. I am so tired. I lay on Shinobu. We both start to drift off.

Next day

I wake up feeling good. Shinobu is cuddled up to me. I teleport out of her grip. I kiss her forehead and leave a note. I am going to the store. I put on my clothes and walk outside. I see Tanjiro and wave to him. He comes over to go me.

"Hey Y/n. How are you doing." Tanjiro says.

"Things are going good. I am going to the store. Do you want to come." I say.

He nods. We start to walk out of the mansion. We walk into town.

"Hey Tanjiro I have a secret to tell you. You can't tell anyone." I say.

"Really!? What is it Y/n." Tanjiro says.

"Shinobu is pregnant." I say.

Tanjiro looks at me weirdly.

"What is pregnant?" Tanjiro says.

My eyes widen and say nothing. We get to the store.

"How are you and Kanao. Did you ask her out on a date." I say.

He looks at me embarrassed.

"Ummm.....we haven't gotten that far yet. She is smiling and talking to me so I call that a start." Tanjiro says.

"Good! If you need any pointers I can help. I was maybe horrible at confessing my feelings to Shinobu but I have learned what to do better." I say.

"Really? I would never picture you as the nervous type." Tanjiro says.

"Yeah It was really bad. I was so scared. I the hid behind Kanae." I say

Tanjiro chuckles a little. We get to the store. I start to the groceries. Tanjiro helps me. I start to get some rice balls.

"Y/n can we get some ice cream." Tanjiro says

"Sure." I say.

We walk out of the store and start walking to the ice cream store. We sit down.

"Y/n do you somethings Kanao likes. You are really close to her." Tanjiro says.

"She loves tulips and nice pink flowers. I would always give them to her when she was sad." I say

"I wish I could be more like you." Tanjiro says.

"Why? You are perfect the way you are." I say.

"You see the kindest guy I know. You care so much for Shinobu, Kanae and Kanao. You care for me and the other hashira. Even when some are mean you deal with it and have a genuine smile on. You protect those in need and the less fortunate." Tanjiro says.

"It is my job too. No matter the cost. It is only instinct to protect the people I love and treasure so dearly. Everyone deserves a chance at living. You are like me Tanjiro." I say.

He smiles at me happily and we finish our ice cream. We start to walk off to the park.

"Y/n do you think Kanao likes you." Tanjiro says.

"I don't know. She likes me like a brother. If she loves me I am taken but she most likely loves you. I can tell." I say.

"Thank you Y/n." Tanjiro says.

I pat his head.

"We should get going." I say.

"Yeah we should." Tanjiro says.

We start to walk back to the mansion. When we walk in I see the girls being chased by Zenitsu. They were all laughing. They see us and the girls run into my arms. I hug them. Zenitsu comes over nervously.

"I am sorry about what happened." Zenitsu says.

"It is fine. Just don't do it again." I say.

I walk off. I yawn and go to the room. Shinobu is not here. I would have expected her to be her working. I lay in bed eating some noodles. Shinobu will kill me if she finds out I am eating in bed. I start eating faster. I am done and walk out of the room. Shinobu is outside and I greet her.

"Hey." I say.

"Hi honey." Shinobu says.

"I was thinking we could go on our honeymoon this week." I say.

"Sure. I could use a break." Shinobu says

I kiss her cheek and we walk off.

A Reaper's Tale: Shinobu x male reader Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora