Chapter 8 - Past That Haunts

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*Cassie’s POV*

I woke up feeling extremely awful. My body felt so weak, I couldn’t move my hand—or any parts of my body—and my visions were blurry.

What happened?

I tried moving my hands, but it was tied and it hurt. Vervain, I thought instantly. I soon realized I was tied to a chair, with ropes soaked in vervain. I’m kidnapped, I thought instantly. The five men from last night must be responsible for this.

I blinked several times before gaining a better vision and looked around. I was in the center of the room. The room was small, having no windows but only a wooden door five feet across me. The walls were painted yellow, including the ceiling. It seemed old and deserted too, noticing the spider webs covering some parts of the room. The source of light was only a lamp on top of me.

I tried to break free but it failed and instead it caused me more pain. Damn the vervain! I swore silently. Now what?

The door creaked open and a man came in. I looked up.

You,” I said, recognizing who it was.

I trembled just as I saw him. He was a monster. The monster who had been haunting me for years—the reason why I barely sleep.

“Hello, Cassie. Miss me?”

*Kol’s POV*

Ever since I saw Cassie, I couldn’t stop thinking about her. I had just recently been ‘brought back from the dead’ or so it was called. And then later at the night, my brother Klaus brought a lady to the house. It was Cassie—the lady I had met a century ago, before I was daggered by my brother.

Cassandra Ainsworth was one of the most beautiful ladies I’d ever seen in my life. We had become good friends for some time and we both knew each other quite well. But my feelings for her had been more than that—then and now. She was an incredible woman, independent, strong, and beautiful. How could I not fall for her?

I knew that love was a vampire’s greatest weakness, but I still feel for her anyway.

I had also realized I wasn’t the only one attracted to her. Niklaus was too. I saw the way he talked to her, the way he looked at her. It was affection, a deep affection. Klaus was falling for her deeply, I saw.

At first I wasn’t sure how Cassie felt about Klaus. But I had my suspicions. I wasn’t so sure until the night of the ball. When we danced, I noticed Cassie was looking at Klaus and his partner, Caroline. And her look explained everything. Well, at first I reasoned that it was just curiosity. But when I asked her if she was jealous, I knew the truth.

She said she wasn’t jealous and both her face and voice were convincing. Others would see that she was telling the truth but what I saw was denial. Her eyes showed it, as much as she tried to cover it up.

I did try to let go of my feelings but I just couldn’t, so instead I covered it up and pretended like it wasn’t there. It wasn’t so hard to do that than to let go.

“I just got a message from Cassie,” I heard Klaus said, interrupting my thoughts. “She said she was no longer staying at the boardinghouse.”

I confirmed by nodding. Cassie had called me earlier saying that she was moving out from the Salvatore Boardinghouse. After what she did, it was quite a wise choice. She had, after all, defended our family and made an enemy out of the Salvatores—who had tried to kill us.

“Why didn’t you ask her to stay with us?” asked Klaus.

“I did,” I told him, sighing. “But she declined.”

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