The Lonely Leaf

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One lonely leaf
sitting on the end of lonely branch

Awaiting the moment
it gets whisked away

Taken from the Life its known but has never been apart of

Never belonged

When the day finally comes
the moment arrives

It's bittersweet

The nostalgia of the many




spent in the same spot

But the brightness
of the future to come

When the wind blows
just right

And the tethers and bonds
keeping it there finally

give up and let go

it breaks free
tumbling and twisting
in the late summer breeze

It travels the world
seeing the beautiful and the macabre ?

The vibrant and the desolate

Life and death

And when it's time comes

The cycle ending
along with the journey

It's ready to let go once again
for the last time

When it settles down
it finds its favorite spot by far

Surrounded by hundreds of hues

And amongst them
the once lonely leaf

With its own shade of sunset orange

Its color a mirror
of the sun setting on its adventure

It spends the
final section of its existence

Feeling an unfamiliar
but extraordinary sense of


But it didn't wish
to forget being alone


Because being without
gave it appreciation for being with

And when the
final moments came

The leaf was content

Prepared to leave
along with newfound family

Their final chapter coming to a close

Wilted and shriveled up

The leaf didn't feel

quite so alone.

The picture at the top was my inspiration (if you were wondering 👀)



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