⋆Assignment 1⋆

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Hello members! Welcome to the team!

Your first assignment is in this chapter and don't worry cause it's not hard!

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FIRST OF ALL, if you have not already, please put that you are a member of TPC in your bio and also add this  book to any of your reading lists. Please? You wont be notified about updates otherwise!

And for your first assignment you need to:

Advertise TPC using your message board! If you already did this don't worry about it!

You just need to announce a simple message like "Go check out @We_Are_TPC , a community dedicated to spreading positivity! I'm a member and if you want to become one, go visit their TPC Team Headquarters book"

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We want to thank each and every one of you for taking this responsibility to join our team and make the world a better place! We apologize, as we are moving quite slow giving you guys things to do. So I would like to hear your ideas for member benefits and assignments in this chapter!

Member's ideas: (to be added, don't forget to tell us what you want!)

My ideas:

Member Benefits & Assignments

~Possibly having access to this account (although I'm a little worried about having so many people on one account so this probably won't happen).

~ Having access to our personal email aka thepositivitycommunity@gmail.com (in our bio)

~ Collaborating with books. Maybe on google docs?

~ Making graphics

~ Using the Members Chat

~ I  and the other founders will add more later

That's all for now members! Have a great day and leave a little positivity wherever you go!

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