⋆Assignment 2⋆

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Hey guys! I have a challenge for you. I've been thinking of it for a really long time.

This challenge is called the Get To Know You Challenge (the name's working progress- If you guys have a better name pls comment) 

What is that you may ask? Well, the get to know your challenge consists of three different parts. These parts first start off with you going to a random messange board, no one you're following, no one thats following you.

Just a random message board.

Then I want you to read their bio, read one of their books (if they have any)and vote and comment on them, then you spread your own way of getting to know them, like some kind of joke on their message board and have atleast one conversation with them, or...something!

I do this every single day or anyday I get a new follower or just find someone funny and/or interesting. So I thought to myself

Hey, _______! Wassup? Yea nice? Me too! Hmmmm...Wouldn't it be nice if we had a group of people just do what I do everyday for a living (I guess I don't have a life...?) for them for free?

What if we had a bunch of people show their love to random people. Cause 1. Some people don't tell anyone they wanna end themselves, so they prob wont put it on their message boards. And 2. They could be having a super horrible life. Last week, I went on someone's message boad and said 'hi wassup' to them and they suddenley revealed to me that their mother is dying?!

I got sooo sad for them and so angry at the world that no one's here to help this poor soul. They now deleted their account, I think, but if I hadn't been there when I did, they wouldn't have had anyone to vent to since their message board was basically bare.

I just want y'all to show people how much you care.

It's just a nice thing to do <3. SPREAD THE WORD #GTKYCHALLENGE !! I can't wait to see the love

 bye members (and anyone who's reading this) plz keep being your amazing selves!


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