AU! Hybrid Child

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Feudal Japan. The clan wars have passed and many people have died. Children. Adults. Men and women. The wars passed and everyone laid down their arms. Half of the people went into the craft, but many samurai remained. There were people who lost their loved ones. Among them was Stanford. He lost the one who loved her so much. After the funeral, as always, he sat at home, and looked at Sakura blossoming outside the window. Leaning on a small cabinet, he looked out the window for a long time. The doll swayed from the cabinet. It was empty, lifeless and completely frightening. It doesn't always work out the way you want. The two of them promised themselves to go watch the Sakura bloom, but shortly before the Sakura bloom, she died. The girl took all the blame on herself, saved the feudal lord of her valuable life. The thought that came to him when he looked at the doll was terrible, but at the same time pleasant. Taking an empty but small doll, he went to another room, and spent a long time in the process of creating the Hybrid Child.

Morning. His distant friend was to arrive in the morning. He looked for him for so long, and went around everything and finally found his home, right on the hill.

-"Well, and for a long time I was looking for you. I searched the whole province. If you moved, you would tell where. ''-The elderly man grumbled, looking at his friend. He was already elderly and lonely. Footsteps were heard behind the man. These were baby steps. The steps are weak.

-"Sorry ... I didn't know that you have a grandpa child ... "-not having time to finish, he turned around in order to examine the child and was horrified. This doll looked like his beloved Lady, the same curly red hair, empty blue eyes that reminded him of the sky on clear days, and ivory white skin. Her clothes consisted of dark-colored shorts, boots polished to a shine and a black but wrinkled old vest with a white jacket. It was empty, but so familiar.

-"Sorry, I forgot to tell you, this doll that grows receiving the love and care of the owner. This is just a prototype. She doesn't speak yet, but she will soon be able to. I have built in her a function that helps her grow and develop. ''-Stanford looked at the child. He was thoughtful, and constantly thought about something while looking at this doll.

-"I will come back to you. Goodbye."-Leaving the friend looked at the doll, and its creator. He was saddened, because he could not help him in any way and could not even help him in order to return his beloved. Walking alone with the doll, Stanford thoughtfully thought about something, and then stopped in Sakura's garden, and raising his hand, he explained something to her about Sakura. A girl was walking behind the man's tail.

-"Sakura is in bloom these days. You know Sakura is best seen at night ... Hey! Come back! "-With his hands back into the sleeves of his kimono, he looked at the receding silhouette of the girl in the distance.

-"Well, all children love to bully. I think all children are like that. Let's go!" -Almost shouting, the man walked away towards the Sakura tree. He was thinking about something while looking at his prototype. He stopped when a girl approached him. In her hands she held the broken branch of Sakura, which she had just broken off when she climbed the tree.

- "Broken off .. new ... "- she tried to say something, but her words were not connected and confused. The girl smiled and continued to speak. Although she spoke, swallowing some phrases and letters, she tried to tell him something important.

-"In..branch ... can ... bloom ... .Therefore .... I give!" -She handed him a branch of Sakura. The girl smiled and looked at him with a bright, homely, warm and almost lively look.

-"Why? These were your first words. The hybrid child reflects the feelings and desires of the owner ... But ... What part of me did she reflect? What kind of feelings did I convey to her? Really care, love and nothing more ... "-he cried. Now tears were rolling down his cheeks, under his glasses, leaving a salty line of tears on his cheeks. He knelt down in front of her and cried.

-"I loved her with all my being. Whatever I wear, this desire will stay with me forever. I loved her no more, no less, and the only thing I have left is regret."

The scent of a summer meadow .... Rain. Wind among the clouds. I am alone.

 I am alone

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