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On April the 1st , 2019, the Earth was destroyed in a cataclysmic event. Billions of people were wiped out in a matter of minutes. Ironically, the seven survivors of the apocalypse were the very siblings who brought it on.


Your Point Of View.

I keep my eyes closed and scream as we hit the ground i groan in pain i open my eyes and admittedly get blinded by the bright Sun . I look over to see Klaus and Ben, Klaus groans and gasps for air " That was ..." " Exhilarating. " Ben says sitting up with a smile on his face " I guess that what you'll call it..." I say i sit up a pop my back Klaus sits up and groans and wheezes.

" Hey, are you okay?" I say i hold out my hand and help him up he nod " Yeah. Yeah, i am ..." Klaus says Ben gets up " Where's Five?" Ben questioned " Huh?" Me and Klaus exclaimed. We turn around and look at the time portal but no one comes out "Five!" Klaus yelled out, he waves his arms " Diego! Allison! " Klaus yells then the portal closes " Where is everybody?" Klaus and I breathe out we look over at Ben. He walks away and looks at something looking confused, i follow him

" Oh, they're gone." Klaus says he turns around and follows us " They're gone , like a fart in the wind." Klaus says he stops walking and starts to cry i turn around and walk to him " Hey, it's okay maybe they got out of the portal before us and left . I'm sure their somewhere. " I say trying to comfort him

"At least you have Me and Ben, right?" I say while rubbing his back. He sniffs and looks at Ben " Just me and Y/n and you again. Great. " Klaus said negatively at Ben not sending any negative attention to me. We walk out the alley " So where the hell are we?" Klaus asked we slow down are walking and look around at the unfamiliar places around us Klaus looks at these two men

" Are hats back?" Klaus asks " I don't think that's the problem, Klaus..." I say i look at all the people walking around us " I think the question is, "When are we?" " Ben says . Klaus and I run up to some person " Hey! Hey! Excuse me. Sorry to bother you. Could you tell us what year this is, or what day?" Klaus asks but the man walked away " Rude." I say . I turn around and see Ben walking to a phone booth, i grab Klaus's hand and run after Ben " Klaus ! Y/n! Get over here." Ben yells

" We're coming! We're coming..." I yell we look down in the trash can and see a guy on a magazine " Yeah? " Klaus asks " Look." Ben says " Yeah, I mean, he's pretty my type, but I'd have to see him from the shoulders down, and i'm pretty sure we shouldn't be talking about this infront of Y/n." " The date, you idiot " Ben says i sigh sadly at Klaus's comment i knew he didn't like me like that... We look at the date on the news paper " Oh , Yeah ." Klaus says Oh shit...


" 1960." Klaus says we look at Ben and he looks at us with a shocked expression on his face " Shit."...


I look at my cup of coffee i circle my finger around the brim " Hey, Y/n , are you okay? " I look up and smile at Dave i nod and look back down " Y-Yeah i'm just......" i look up at Dave " Was it a bad idea?" I say " Huh?" " Leaving him .... even after one argument?" I say sadly Dave sighs and smiles sadly at me

" Y/n it's been a full year now and the state that you sound like that you were in sounds like your worst . Even though you did take drugs for years and you were sober but i'm talking about mentally. You were really sad before and him rejecting you made it worse and the that feeling plus having to run a cult made you upset .

It's okay things like that happen a lot and look at you ! You look a lot better than when i first met you and you going back to that house everyday seeing if that guy is there is not gonna make you feel any better ." Dave says i sip my coffee on more time and push it towards him " Just pour it in your cup. " I say i rub my face

" Who is this guy anyway? Cause i'm gonna beat his ass when i see him !" Dave said childishly. I laughed " Your just a kid ! Your not gonna do anything!" I said " Hey! I'm not a kid ! I'm going to the army for fuck sakes! " he says i stop laughing and my smile quickly disappeared and images of dead Dave pops up in my mind

" Do you really have to go...? " I ask " I want to continue my family tradition . I want to go and be in the army like every man in my family. " he says " But.... what if there is a big war a-and you have to fight in it a-and you die!??!?!?!?" I say " I promise that won't happen . " Dave says he smiles sweetly at me " So i can't even make you avoid death , huh?" I said quietly to myself sadly

" Huh? " " Nothing ." I say i smile and i get up from the booth and walk out the dinner " Hey! Where are you going?" Dave chased after me i turn around and smile at him he sighs " You're going to that place again, aren't you? " i laugh " Be safe okay?" He says " Hey , i should be saying that to you ! Stay safe, if i don't come back soon then someone from the FBI, one of my family members or the cult kidnapped me . Okay? " he nods

" and don't let him do things you don't want to do don't let him hurt you be nice to others which means gays, people of different color, Etc and don't tell people about you know what and that you know what is ?" " That you have supernatural powers and your family is a bunch of superheroes from a different country." He said quietly i nod even though that last part wasn't true but i couldn't tell him the full truth .

I pat his head and smile " Tell him that i went to the store for a while , okay ? " he nods i get in my car i roll down my window " Do you know your way back? " I ask he nods "Okay , just making sure!" I say i keep my window down and i drive away ...


I pull in the drive way of the mansion i roll my window up and got out of my car and look up at it i look around i don't see the bus or Klaus's car anywhere i shakily sigh and walk inside " Hellooooo!!!! Anyone here ? " I shout out . Like every other day no one answers not a single ghost or anything i walk towards a painting of me and Klaus.

I know Dave said the me now is the better me but.... the better me is when Klaus around i guess i'm happy i don't feel the way about him like i used too but i still regret leaving him and Ben and saying something things that i said and that happened a year ago and i was in such a bad state then ....

i look back at the portrait i fall to my knees and cry " I'm sorry Klaus! I'm sorry !" I yell out even though i know he won't be here . After a while i went to the store bought some things so that mine and Dave's cover story will be believable and that make this 375 days since the last time i saw Klaus and Ben Hargreeves.


Hey ! I'm back and this is the first chapter i hope it was good and I'll see you soon and also sorry this was so short too .

- 🖐🏻 Author 🖐🏻

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