I'm Y/n L/n

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Art by manosoc_ on Instagram

The cop uncuffs me and pushes me in the cell " FUCK YOU MOTHERFUCKERS!!!! fucking assholes " I say. How did i get here ? Well going to the mansion everyday for a year which means someone saw me go there more than once and accused me of stalking and trespassing so they called i went today and the police caught me and arrested me .

I turn around and look at everyone in the cell with me and next to me (hey hiya I'm here to say uhh in the show the two cells are separated by whites and blacks and the thing is i don't know your skin color so i put you in the cell where Klaus is in.) i swallow and i walk over to where a black guy was and sat down . I swing my head to look at the man " What did you do ? " I ask he turns his head to me " I uh, was arrested for assault and battery. " he says

" What happened? " I ask " It's okay if you don't want to tell me it's not really my business ." I say he nods " What about you? Why are you in here?" He asks " I stalked and trespassed my own house." I say he looks at me confused " I live there but i haven't been there for a while until November of last year i started going there everyday to see if the person i'm looking for is there the crazy thing is that i just got arrested. " I laugh the man chuckles.

He holds out his hand " I'm Raymond Chestnut but my friends call me Ray. " he says with a smile on his face i smile back and take his hand and shakes it " I'm Y/n L/n . " he looks at my hand after i let go " You're in that cult?" He asks " Huh?" " Your hand tattoo . Everyone has it in that one cult ." He says " Yeah. Well, not anymore ." I say

" Why not? " " believe it or not i was the second leader of that cult , I ran it with my bestfriend . But after a while everything got to crowded , everyone was touching me every few seconds i was basically the mom of it and i have over a 1000 children plus my bestfriend to take care of . Then i started doing all the important stuff meanwhile my bestfriend went off without me having sex and orgy's and not doing anything. I know we are the leaders and we can do anything but someone had too keep up with all the shit . So one day i got fed up with everything and left ." I say

" I guess you could say the same thing about me ... I guess ..."


I open my eyes to the loud clang of the cell door closing i groan " Who is it this time?" I groan i sit up from the top buck of the cell bed i look over to the cell door and i meet his eyes " Klaus..." " Y/n .... " KLAUS! " I yell and i smile a big smile i fall off the top bunk i get off the ground and run and hug him

" Y-Y/n ...." Klaus says he puts his arms around me and hugs me tightly i begin to cry i hear him whimper " I'm sorry.... i'm so sorry ...." I said quietly we both fall on our knees and stay in each others embrace " I'm sorry for not being there with you when you needed me most and left you with Ben ..." Klaus says i feel his tears fall my shoulder he lifts his head from my shoulder he grabs my face he chuckles

" Even though it's only been a year you look so different but you still look so beautiful!" Klaus says i feel my cheeks heat up and laugh " You look so happy and healthy..." I see more tears form in his eyes his lip quivered he rubbed my cheek with his thumb " L/n " i look over Klaus's shoulder and look at the officer " Oh, yeah i forgot we're in prison " " We called your home and the man won't be able to get you out ." I sigh and nod .

I unwrap my arms from around Klaus and i wipe my eyes and stands up " L/n? " Klaus says he looks a me confused i smile at him " My name is Y/n L/n but i'm sure you know me Sir Klaus Hargreeves ." I laugh out Klaus still was looking at me confused. I look down " Are you married?" " NO!!" Klaus jumped at my sudden outburst

" N-No i changed my last name after our fight last year ..." Klaus's confused face turned into a sad one " I'm sorry i am . I'm so sorry that i left you and Ben there with that crazy cult ." I said i walk over to the beds and plop on the bottom bunk i rub my face. " I'm sorry too . I never spent any time with you and that made your depression worse cause you had to run the cult too and had people being touchy feely on you ." Klaus said he sits down next to me

I Still Feel The Same... ( Klaus Hargreeves x Reader Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now