Good night, Klaus...

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Song Renegade by the Styx's. ( I love this soundtrack so much )

" Y/n .... Y/nnnnn... " " 5 more minutes Klaus " " Uhhhh who's Klaus? " I open my eyes to see Dave standing there with a smile and confused look on his face " Huh?" I ask " Oh uh were going out for lunch and uh uncle Brian said for me to wake you up ..." Dave said " Oh..." we stay in silence for a while how long was I asleep?...

Then Dave decided to say something " I'm sorry bout yesterday " Dave said " It's okay I'm used to it " I say " I don't get why he treats you like that ..." " it's because i'm a woman and i didn't come home the other night so yeah " I say " Well i'm gonna get out so you can change, okay?" " okay." I say then he leaves.


We walk towards our booth i sit in the inside next to Dave " What do you want ?" Brian says i just stare at him " The same as usual ..." I look down at my hands " This is like the 1000th time the past year " Brian said " I get to choose what i eat ." I said " Don't get a attitude with me now i allowed you in i can kick you out ." He says " Okay." I say Dave pats my back and smiles at me we order our food then eventually we get our food we start to eat after a while Bryan wiped his mouth and smiled at Dave

" Gotta hit the head. " He says he gets up at pat's his back and walks away i groan when he finally far enough " Thank God hes gone for now " I say. I poke at my food until someone sat down Me and Dave look to see.... god dammit klaus....

He takes off his glasses and smiles at Dave " Hey! Mamie Pink, right? " Dave said with a smile i sigh and die more inside " Klaus Hargreeves, but you can call me whatever you want . " Klaus says " Klaus H-Hargreeves " Dave says he looks at me " Oh ! Hi Y/n , didn't see you there!" Klaus says " H-Hi ..." I look away " You related to her or somethin'? " Dave asked " Yeah shes my sister " Klaus says i kick his leg

" OW! " Klaus yells " Shut up " I said " Well then. How's she lookin'? The larine?" Dave asked " Listen to me . I have to talk to you about something important. Okay? " Klaus asked " Okay. " I look at the two of them it's hurting me more than ever for no reason i cry silently to myself ( not really) " This is gonna sound kinda crazy, but , uh ... " Klaus sighs he looks down and looks back up at him " ... I know you. " Klaus says " Uh, yeah, sure. From the hardware store." Dave says

" No, from before . Well, after , act6. Listen, i know you're thinking about enlisting, thinking it's your duty ' cause your grandfather fought in World War I and your father fought in World War II, and that guy you're eating brunch with is you Uncle Ryan who fought in Korea. " " Brian ." Dave and I said " Brian. And you look up to Brian. " Klaus said

" I don't!" I say " And you're starting to believe all the stuff he's saying about the military making you a man." " Wait what ?" I say looking at the two " Your starting to believe him ?" I say " Now is not the time. " Klaus said Dave chuckles " Is this a joke or something? " Dave asked " Dave , if you enlist, they're gonna send you out to Vietnam. " Klaus said " The heck are you talking about? " Dave asks " Fifty thousand American soldiers and a million Vietnamese... " Klaus chuckles

"... all die for nothing, because the dominoes aren't gonna topple, Dave . The communists aren't gonna invade all of East Asia. So-" " Says you ." Brian says I look up at him and swallow i look back down at my hands " Oh. Hey, Brian . " Klaus says " You two know this... clown? " Brian asked us " Um, he bought pink paint at the store." Dave said oh god to Brian Pink paint = 🏳️‍🌈 Gay 🏳️‍🌈 ( sorry I'm really tired 😅) " Pink paint." Brian chuckles i begin to sweat i rub my hands together.

" Makes sense." Brian says i glare at him " You know, pink can actually be very masculine in the right setting. " Klaus says " Is that right?" Brian says " How 'bour you get outta my seat , queer." Brian says i slam my hands on the table and stand up Brian looks at me " Shit your ass down " Brian says, I'm just too weak... i sit back down.

I Still Feel The Same... ( Klaus Hargreeves x Reader Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now