The end of something

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We walk out with our umbrellas in hand to make sure we don't get our uniforms covered in snow we gather around a coffin and in that coffin was our brother Ben even though i can still see him cause the power of being able to see dead people it was still hard for me to not cry and it didn't help that my siblings were crying " Your father is ready to give the eulogy, Children ." Pogo says while looking at all of us

" The world is full of injustice. Good people die along with the bad . This cosmic equation will never change unless evil itself is wiped from existence. Thankfully, there are powerful forces pushing back against the wicked and iniquitous , individuals who have the strength to pull together against insurmountable odds to face adversity with unblinking courage, and not to hesitate to sacrifice themselves for another. Unfortunately, none of you are such people. Despite years of training and weeks of preparation, you allowed Number Six to die on this mission ." " It wasn't our fault." Allison crys out

" Excuses ? I will not hear them " "Why are you scolding us while we are supposed to be grieving and blaming us for the death of our brother when it wasn't our fault you don't care about us cause if you did you wouldn't be shaming us and it proves that you are a asshole and a shit father !" " Number Eight! " Dad yelled I jump " The Umbrella Academy has failed one of their own , the consequences of which are dire . Hold on to this feeling , children . Let it fester in your hearts... so there is never a next time . "

" You're a asshole you know that right?" I squeak out " Practice will be canceled today out of respect for your brother . Number Eight you will be punished and you will be trained for your outbreaks and using such fowl language." He says I feel my eyes widened more tears fall out of my eyes but not because of sadness out of fear Klaus grabs my hand

" Please no I don't want to go back in there ." I cry " That Isn't fair !" Klaus yelled " Do you want her to be in there for a full  day ?!" Dad yelled Klaus holds my hand tighter and vigorously shakes his head " We will resume training for the rest of you at 6:00 a.m. Number Eight , come. " he finishes I look at the others and then walk away to follow our father ...

" Y/n."  Vanya walks over to me to see that I was in the same spot that I was last night " Have you been asleep ? " She asks I don't say anything I can't help but thinking on how I would have acted back then if I didn't have these powers I probably wouldn't be the way I was now "Ben wanted me to tell you something.." she says

Ben.. " He uh said that he's sorry for not being with you all those years when you were in rehab and that he thought you wouldn't mind . He also said don't pressure yourself into thinking you have to take care of Klaus he noticed that you started to before he left and he said that if that boy hurts you in anyway let one of us handle it or you could handle it yourself. He doesn't want you to get hurt in anyway all he wants is for you to be happy and live a happy life even if it's with or without Klaus there could be a chance that he will eventually get over Dave but he doesn't think it's right now ." Vanya says I still don't say anything Vanya grabs my hand

" And I think he would want you to know that he loves you and that you were his favorite person in the world and just know that we all love you and don't think that we don't cause we're family ." I feel tears fall out of my eyes and I smile " I kinda doubt that I'm his favorite person ." I say with a laugh " Whenever we were younger we used to bicker so much it's kinda crazy what time can do to two people haha..." I feel my lip quiver and I launch myself towards Vanya

" It's hard to think I'll never see him again he's been with me and Klaus since his funeral which was so long ago he's been with us for so long I sometimes forget that he was just a ghost ." I cry out in her chest " Woah , What did I just walk into ?" I lift my head and look at Diego he looks at me with concerned eyes

I Still Feel The Same... ( Klaus Hargreeves x Reader Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now