Ben Hargreeves

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Art made by : ? I think on Pinterest please correct if wrong

A few years ago ...

" Your oblivious you know that right ?" I look at Ben " What do you mean ? " I ask " Have you not noticed that that boy has feelings for you?" He asks me " What boy?" " Klaus , of course ." He says to me " Wait , What?" " Klaus . He's had a crush on you for years now how do you not know that? " he questioned me

" Cause I'm stupid you know that " I answer " To be honest I don't think that this adds to the story at all ..." I know that you know what's gonna happen please just tell me so my family can be safe.. so that Klaus can be safe ....


" Vanya's in the room at the end of the hall. " Diego yells " How do you propose we get to her ?" Allison questions " I haven't figured that one out yet ." Diego answered " You can count us out ." " Klaus ! " " What? You guys should save her . You're great at all the hero shit. " Klaus says I nod " Oh, Klaus . " Allison says " Listen , Listen. Vanya would understand 'cause she has realistic expectations of what we are . And what I am is sexy trash and what Y/n is is a lovesick fool ." Klaus says

" Hey! .... well you're right ." I say " You're both big pussy's , that is what y'all are . " Diego says " Guys, now is not the time . " Allison exclaimed " Why ? Because I don't wanna die and I don't want Y/n to die ? Who does ? And martyrs aren't around to enjoy the victory party 'cause they're dead ! " Klaus yells

" to be honest on the dying thing I do want to ." " Don't say that ." Klaus says sadly " Sorry ..." " You are going out there..." Diego grabs Klaus " I'm not! Go away ! " Klaus yells " Or I'm gonna beat you , and not the way you like it !" Diego says I try to kick away Diego " What are you ? Dad? " I yell " That's my cue." Allison says she gets up

" Hey! Allison ! " Diego try to grab Allison " No! Allison !" Klaus and I yell " Vanya ! Vanya!" I hear Allison yell " Shit she's gonna die ! " I nervously say Diego gets off Klaus and watches Allison and I do also then something bursts and sends Allison flying back

I look away and look at the wall this is when I die i lied I don't want to die please God don't kill me ! I shake and Klaus grabs my hand " All right . I'm going . " Diego says " No! " I yell out " I have too. " Diego says " No , wait , wait , wait , wait. " Klaus says " What ?" " If you don't make it back there's one thing I need to tell you . " " Klaus, I don't have time for this" " Please. " " What?" Diego questions " You look like Antonio Banderas with long hair . I just thought you should know ." Klaus says holy shit I never noticed that

" Thanks , man. " Diego says he pats my head and goes out " Oh God it's my turn next ..." I say I watch Diego as he makes his way down " Y/n! I'm not gonna make it ! It's up to you and Klaus . You both gotta save the world ." Diego yells "No, Diego , that's a terrible idea!" I yell I look at Klaus

" Just so you know I'm not gonna make as far as them so be prepared and that I love you and if I die, remember me , okay?" I say with tears in my eyes " Don't say that .." he says " You may never know ." I say I feel tears fall out my eyes Diego fall back into the world I smile at him "Well it's my turn ." I say I get up but Klaus grabs my hand I look at him.

He stays quite for a second " Ah , fuck it ." He kisses me what the fuck is up with kissing someone in the end of the world? My eyes widen he lets me go i feel my cheeks warming up but then I remember that there's a world to save so I walk out I have no knifes or anything so I use my fingers I almost make it then I feel something leak out of my eyes I think it's tears but then I look down to see it's " Blood " I let go of the floor by accident out of fear then I hit a wall and black out but the last thing I hear was my name ...

I Still Feel The Same... ( Klaus Hargreeves x Reader Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now