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By the time they all woke up Jinyoung has more than half of his things sent to vehicle which is going to help him bring his whole luggage to his apartment.

 Youngjae came to him and asked "Hyung! Are you leaving the group?"

"No I am not leaving the group not now at least." He replied.

"Not now means you will eventually leave the group. Are you not going to renew the contract is that why you are leaving?" Bambam asked.

"I haven't thought about it but I am thinking of making more of my career as an actor instead of an idol now. You know I love acting." He replied.

"Hyung who are you trying to fool? We know that you love acting not more than being a singer. Hyung please don't leave. Hyung please." He already has tears falling from his eyes along with Youngjae and Bambam.

Mark and Jackson also tried to convince him but it was like he just didn't want to listen.

Then Jaebeom came to him and hugged Jinyoung and spoke "Jinyoungie I know why are you leaving but please don't leave. I know you won't trust me this time but I do love you. I have loved you for a long time. Just like you loved me for a long long time."

Jinyoung turned around in Jaebeom's embrace with wide eyes "How do you know I have loved you for a long time?" Jaebeom stayed silent.

"Hyung I am asking you something. How do you know about me loving you for a long time? Answer me hyung." He screamed loudly with desperate anger and anxiousness.

"I.. I found the letters you have written to me and read them..."

He looked at Jinyoung that he was crying and while his face showed pure hatred and anger but he continued.

"But Jinyoungie trust me I had no ill intentions if you are thinking that I just followed you like I did most of the time to see where are you going coz you were sad. But when you were you were pulling out the phone from your pocket they fell down and I picked them up. Curiosity got the best of me and I hid in a store room and started reading them and when I read the whole letter I felt many emotions along with confusion, happiness, sadness and last emptiness but I was glad to know one thing that you loved me. I was glad because felt happy knowing my feelings were not unrequited and not one sided but when you said that you would be leaving the group I started losing hope cause I don't want to lose you. So please Jinyoungie don't go. Don't leave me I promise I will do better as a lover just please give me another chance." I said pleadingly but it looked like everything I said didn't reached his ears cause he was laughing sarcastically and while me and other members were looking at him like he has gone crazy.

"I didn't know you were this cruel Hyungnim. So you're telling me that you have loved me that too for a long time." He scoffed and said "what a joke. Do I look stupid to you? You may have not remember but you used to push me away all the time."

"You used to treat me like I was some kind of trash to get kicked away or any kind of parasite leached on you. You used to love me?"

"If you really loved me then you would have noticed that I always had my eyes on you. I always kept looking at you in the hopes that someday you might smile at with your real smile instead of fake one. That someday you might acknowledge my presence and not treat me like a leftover food."

"If you really loved me then you would have shown love towards me even accidently in these six years. You didn't love me Hyung. You never loved me. You can never convince me that you loved me."

"You are just saying so cause you are scared that I would leave the group and it will be bad for its reputation. It will bring everyone's attention towards the issue of me leaving the group when on reel we had so good of a relationship while in real life we both are just distant."

"Admit it hyung you are just trying to save the groups reputation and not me. You don't want me here but you also don't want the group to go down. That is why you are doing so. If you are worried about the groups reputation then you don't have to worry. I will take all the blame on me so that media won't go after you. But please stop lying and pretending. It's not a good thing." Jinyoung spoke out finally.

"It's not pretending Jinyoung-ah. I admit that I didn't show love towards you but that was because I was scared of your reaction towards me being in love with you. I was scared that you would hate me. I was scared that you would ignore me and would never look at me so I reversed it so that I can save myself from the excessive but it still didn't stop the pain. But I didn't know I was hurting you as much as I was hurting myself. I really want to see you happy Jinyoungie. Jaebeom said while holding Jinyoung's hand.

Jinyoung pulls his hand out from Jaebeom's hand and says "If you really loves me hyung than you would not bother me again. If you want me happy than you would just let me go. Let me stay away from you and I know who love you so please stop lying and pretending. It hurts me you know." Jinyoung said and left to move towards the main door to go outside with his carry bags.

Maknaes had run towards him while holding his luggage tightly along with Mark and Jackson trying to make him stop while Jaebeom was rooted at his place looking down towards the floor with tears flowing from his eyes.

While everyone was in chaos at the door Jaebeom spoke loudly "I will give you time to heal Jinyoungie but I can't promise to stay away from you not when I just found. I am not gonna lose you for forever. So go have fun and heal so much you can cause I promise I am gonna annoy the hell out of you in the upcoming months." He moved towards Jinyoung, hugged and kissed him on the lips for a long time which had Jinyoung eyes wide open in shock. He moved back and then kiss his cheek but not without holding him tightly and making a mark on Jinyoung's collarbone.

"You have till this fades cause after that I am gonna give you marks like these to make all the people back away from approaching you. Cause you belong to me. You are MINE." He said again kissing him on lips but this time Jinyoung slapped him but that still didn't fade Jaebeom's smile from his face while Jinyoung picked his luggage and ran out blushingly.

While members were looking at Jaebeom like he had gone crazy. Therefore, Bambam asked "Hyung, why didn't you stop him? Why did you let him go?"

To which he replied "Jinyoungie needs time to adjust everything that has happened today so I want him to take some time off by staying away from everything."

"But why did you kiss him and mark him?" Asked Jackson

"That mark was to stop other people from approaching him as you know many have confessed his love for Jinyoungie. And kiss was a gift him. Its gonna keep him awake for days." He said smiling like crazy.

Members again looked at him like he was crazy but shrugged it off and went back to their rooms to do whatever they wanted to do.

I think next chapter may be the last.

I hope you do love this chapter.

I am not sure if its as good as promised but here it is.

Stay safe everyone. love you.

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