𝐗𝐗. 𝐀 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐥𝐲 𝐑𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐧?

460 58 93

Min Yoongi

I swung open the front door, and on the other side stood a girl with a pale complexion and long, black hair. I stared in confusion while she scanned me from head to toe.

"Who are—"

"Damn, you're really hot," the girl remarked, her comment catching me off guard. "We haven't met yet, right? You Jimin's friend?"

"Uhh...not exactly?"

"Not exactly?" Her eyes widened as if she had made some revelation. "Ohhh, I see. You're more than friends." She dragged out each word while suggestively wiggling her eyebrows.

"What the—"

"You know, I didn't know if he swung both ways, but dude's got pretty good taste in men. I—"

"We are not dating!" I shouted out, completely fed up. Who the hell is this girl, and why does she keep talking so goddamn much?

A muffled laugh came from behind me, and I looked over my shoulder to see Jungkook clearly entertained. The strange girl also peeked around me to steal a glance.

"Oh my god, I leave for a couple of months, and suddenly Soomi's surrounded by all these cute guys? And she doesn't tell me?" she exclaimed with an overly dramatic gasp. "Where is she?"

I pressed my hand against the doorframe, preventing the girl from entering the house.

"Look, I've been trying to ask you, who are—"

"Misa?" Soomi's voice came from behind me. I noticed that she had just gotten out of the shower, her hair still slightly damp as she ran a towel through the locks of hair. The sight of her face so close to mine was still fresh in my memory. I couldn't take my eyes off of her, but her eyes were focused elsewhere, on the girl who stood at the door.

The room filled with excited squeals as Soomi rushed towards our direction. I hastily stepped off to the side as she hugged the girl.

"Misa, this is Jungkook and Yoongi. Guys, this is my best friend, Misa.

"Best friend my ass. You haven't called me in ages! I had to drag myself all the way back to Korea just to hear from you again."

"Ah, about that..." Soomi let out a guilty laugh. "It's been a rough couple of weeks."

As Soomi was talking, I noticed Jimin enter the room from the corner of my eye. He instantly froze, as if he had seen a ghost.


"Jimin!" Misa exclaimed before dashing across the room to hug him. Jimin jumped slightly at the physical contact before awkwardly wrapping an arm around her. "How have you been?"

"O-okay, I guess. You know, I-I have to go do...something, but it was nice seeing you," Jimin stuttered. He was out of the room faster than he had entered it. What's up with him?

I was about to close the front door when I noticed a suitcase sitting behind it. Oh god, wait, please don't say she's staying here.

"Is that your suitcase?" Soomi asked.

"Ah, yeah! I'm not gonna be in Korea for long, so why get a hotel room when I could crash at my friend's huge ass house?"

"I guess that'd be fine...if you'd be okay living with those two as well."

"What! They're living here? What's going on—"

"You know what? We have a lot to catch up on." Soomi nervously laughed as she began pushing Misa out of the room.

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