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𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐞 𝟏𝟎, 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟗

Valet took my car around as some other hotel men started to load our suitcases up on the luggage cart. I held Madison's hand as she tiredly walked into the lobby with me. It was early as hell, only 2 hours after midnight and here we were, getting our key to our hotel suite.

As soon as we got in the room, Madison laid out on the couch while I sat the key on the living room table.

"You tired?" I chuckled laughing at how sprawled out she was.

"Mhm." She nodded.

I hovered over her with my hands holding steady on the back of the couch. She opened her eyes and smiled.

"Happy birthday Mads." I kissed her forehead then lips.


My eyes fluttered open as I adjusted my eyes to the sunlight that beemed through the light curtains. I felt Israel holding my waist as my back was against him.

Today was my 18th birthday and I was so excited. I had no idea what Israel had in mind but I know I got to dress nicely so I was ready to get the day started.

I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to get my breath together. After brushing and washing my face, I went back into the bedroom seeing Israel walk back in the room.

He smiled seeing me walk towards him. I held my arms out as he picked me up kissing me.

"Happy birthday." He grinned, kissing my cheek.

"Thankyou Izzy." I smiled kissing him again.

He let me down and pointed out the door. "We need to go eat so we can get the day started." I nodded and grabbed my phone. Izzy followed me downstairs, feeling on my bottom through my small shorts I went to bed in.

"Can you cut it out?" I giggled a little, swatting his hand away.

"Nope." He responded, still fondling me. He sat down next to me and rubbed my thigh as the chef made our plates.

"Can't keep your hands to yourself huh?" I looked over at him, drinking my orange juice. He had his lips pulled in shaking his head no.

"I'm so ready to see all of Florida." I cheesed.

"Eat up and we can get a early start."


Most of the day was spent with Izzy spoiling me with shopping sprees. He bought clothes, some designer, purses, shoes, heels, hell even jewelry. I wasn't okay with the money he was spending on me but we all know Izzy. What he says goes so I just had to accept them.

The main thing that I wanted to do, was cut my hair. I expressed that to Izzy so many times and he came through for my birthday. I got my hair professionally cut and it looked better than I imagined.

Cutting my hair signified me becoming a new person. And that is exactly what I was. I was a brand new woman. I couldn't believe all i've overcame. It's almost like it was meant to happen.

When he took me to get my nails and toes done, he went to the hotel to take our things to a condo in Miami. He took me on a boat ride and it was the most beautiful and peaceful thing in the world. I had never seen anything like it.

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