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From here on until the last chapter will be on the third pov. Enjoy!


It's a Wednesday morning when Sharon wakes up from the pain she feels on her back.

She sits up straight and stretched her arms and legs. She opened her eyes and pats Jack's forehead. She smiled as Jack's fever is now gone.

She tied her hair into a bun and headed straight to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

It's already 8:00am and it is also the time Jack wakes up. Sharon looked at the dining table to see what's lacking. She quickly runs to the stove to turn it off as the soup is already overflowing.

She quickly grabbed a wet towel and cleaned the mess the soup made by overflowing. She then filled the two bowls with the steaming soup.

Just as she was about to put the bowls on the table, Jack came out of nowhere while scratching the back of his head. A sight that made Sharon giggle.

She walked near Jack as she tiptoes and gave a peck on his cheek, "Good morning handsome"

Jack quickly got into his senses and smiled mischievously. She grabbed Sharon's waist and pulled her closer to him, "Give me more" he said as he pouts his lips.

Sharon gets what her boyfriend wants so she leaned closer and tapped Jack's lips using her finger, "Nope, let's eat" she said as she frees herself from Jack's grasp.

"No fair" Jack continues to pout even after he takes his seat.

"I'll give you more" Sharon said that made Jack smile from ear to ear. Jack was about to move from his seat when Sharon showed him her palm, "later"

Jack then lowered his head and scratched his nape, "Thank you for the food, love!"

This is their happiest and coziest breakfast so far, as per Jack. The two of them enjoying the home cooked meal, Sharon made.

The two of them making fun of each other and throwing jokes at each other, ah what an ideal morning with the love of your life.

"We should do this often love" Jack said as he and Sharon stand side by side while washing the dishes.

"Yeah, a simple yet fun morning" Sharon said as they continued their chores.

After doing the dishes, the two decided to do their laundry. Sharon gasped at the mount of their dirty clothes, "This is a looooot"

Jack peeked and sighed, "We were in vacation, that's why" both of them pulled the laundry basket to the laundry area of the house.

They have to separate the clothes as they have to do it by batch. The washing machine can't wash the mount of clothes at once.

As Sharon is busy with laundry, Jack sweeps and mops the floor, "The last time I cleaned my house was--when was it?" he thinks and he thinks but eventually gave up.

"I can't even remember, pabo" he said and laughs to himself. He cleaned the mop and hanged it somewhere outside to dry it off before storing.

Jack went back to where Sharon is and he saw her already hanging some clothes from the dryer, "Let me" he said as he snatched the clothes clip from his girlfriend's hands.

They finished their chores a little early than expected, since they both moved and did their part.

Both of them slumped on the couch, "That was tiring but fun" Sharon said.

"Hm, the best thing is that I'm doing it with you" Jack said trying to pull Sharon into a hug but she doesn't want to be pulled.

"As much as I want us to cuddle, we can't"

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