The Last Scene

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The day breaks and Jack woken up to the sound of his alarm clock.

He quickly turned it off and looked at the time, 8:00am.

He neatly fixes his bed and went to his bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face.

He and Sharon planned to have a date today. And he also promised to make Sharon's last day in Zurich memorable.

He went out of his room as the door bell keeps on ringing. He went to the intercom and saw Justin. He was confused as to why Justin is visiting him so early in the morning.

He opened the door and welcomed Justin inside. He even grabbed the paper bag Justin is holding. Jack took a peek inside the bag.

"Oooh~ you brought food" he said as he walks to the kitchen while Justin follows him, quite nervous.

"Watch this," Jack said to Justin as he sets the timer of the microwave to reheat the food, "I'll go and wake my girlfriend so you could meet her" he said while smiling.

And Justin doesn't know what to do. He fidgets his fingers as Jack makes his way to Sharon's room.

He knocked three times but no one answered, "That's weird, she's supposed to be awake by now"

He knocks again but to no avail, "Love, I'm coming inside okay?" he said before twisting the door knob.

Justin ran to stop Jack but he was too late. Jack is already dumbfounded at what he sees.

He found no Sharon, empty closet, no luggage, no trace of Sharon. Jack started to panic, "No, no, she ran away again, no..."

"Jack" Justin calls his name but Jack seems to not hear a thing. He went back and forth inside the room where Sharon used to stay.

"Justin, we should go and find Sharon, okay?" he said while grabbing Justin's shoulder. His eyes seeks help and screams pain.

"Jack, she's gone" Justin said which made Jack to look at him, mad.

"What do you mean gone? SHE'S MISSING FOR PETE'S SAKE!" Jack yelled while brushing his hair due to frustration. He doesn't know what to do.

Justin grab Jack and made him sit on the sofa, "She's gone Jack. She already left..."

Jack stood up, grabbed his keys, "Her flight is tomorrow, not today!" he said and twisted the knob of the front door.

"She left already! She went back to Japan! You'll never see her again! Why can't you understand?!"

Jack fell on his knees. Tears won't stop rolling down his face. He doesn't know what to do. He can't believe what he heard.

"she--she left me?" he said in between his sobs.

He stood up and went inside Sharon's room. He hold on to the bed's comforter as if it was Sharon, his knees failed so he slumped on the floor, crying while hugging the comforter.

Justin stares at his best friend. Not knowing what to do. He feels his heart being shattered as well, just like Jack's.

Justin wanted to curse at Sharon, for leaving Jack and making him devastated. But he also knows that this is for the best. That Sharon did this for the both of them.

Jack continued on crying. He cried until there's no tears left to cry. He still can't believe what Sharon did to him, she left me.


3 months later...

Jack's company gets busier and busier as days goes by.

He stays in his office, working all day and all night--without a break. It's been months since the last time he went home. Why? 'Cause he doesn't feel like going home.

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