chapter 14: reunion

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(a/n: it's like 3:26 am, let's see how long this bitch takes. on an unrelated note I love reading the random comments!)

Jeremy sighed in his sleep, rolling over to the other side of the bed. In doing so, his limbs flopped out sporadically and he grumbled incoherently when his hand hit something.

Peeling his tired eyes open, he realized that something was Squip.

He jerked up, startled, mumbling out more incoherent words, probably apologies, as he rolled backwards.

...and off the bed.

Jeremy groaned as he collapsed in a tangle of limbs on the hardwood flooring, back screaming in protest.

A face appeared above him, unimpressed eyes glinting with genuine amusement as Squip stared unblinkingly down at him.

"Well, good morning to you too."

Jeremy couldn't do much else than blush and stutter back a response of jumbled "uh"s and "I"s and "uhm"s, which only seemed to grow Squip's amusement. He stopped attempting to talk and flinched when a hand was outstretched down towards him, waiting. The teen hesitated for a few moments, looking like a frightened deer, before gripping the man's hand in his own.

Squip seemed pleased by action, and he started to pull the teen up, stopping short when the brunet let out a cry of pain. He huffed, seemingly puzzled for a moment.

Jeremy's back was healing better than he expected, but it still hurt when he did anything harder than sleeping and eating. He flushed at the cry he'd let slip, trying to ignore the pain and pull himself up using Squip's hand for leverage.

However, the man simply said "I suppose there's an easier way to do this." and disappeared from Jeremy's sight, backing off the bed, much to the brunet's confusion. He walked around the bed and came to a stop in front of the tangled mass of arms and legs that made up Jeremy. The boy-turned-pretzel made a confused noise as Squip knelt down. He assumed the man thought it'd be easier to pull him up from a closer spot. Squip seemed to think differently.

He flushed bright red and jerked in protest when Squip picked him up, yelping, "What do you think you're doing?!"

The man shrugged, holding Jeremy longer than necessary in order to answer his question. "It was easier." He put the brunet down onto the bed once more, moving to the other side to sit in the chair there.

Jeremy sat for a moment, before turning to face Squip, ignoring the food in favor of staring intently at the man.

Despite how miniscule the expression changes were, Jeremy could tell Squip was growing uncomfortable. The silence stretched until finally the man spoke.

"....Are we on okay terms, Jeremy?"

Fighting the urge to melt, Jeremy stuttered out "Whatever..I guess I should be used to it by now, huh?" He grinned humorlessly down at the sheets wrapped around his crossed legs.

Squip tilted his head and one eyebrow raised a fraction, boy Jeremy noticed every little thing, didn't he. It's to be expected, considering he looks so closely at Squip's face when he talks-so that he can judge his reactions better, obviously. There are worse faces he could look at. Squip happened to be quite attractive, with his swoopy, silky hair that looks like it'd be so soft to the touch, and his pretty face that was looking at Jeremy impatiently, and his bright neon eyes that made the teen feel like they were ready to eat him-


Jeremy's face turned pink, snapping back to attention in horror. "Hm?"

Squip looked at him quizzically, "What did you mean by your words." Oh, right. God dammit, he needed to focus! He was supposed to be sad over the way Squip had been treating him, not drooling over him for no reason!

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