Part 3

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Hannah pov:

"where here" you awake from your sleep as your dad shouted. You lifted your head, looking outside the window. There were a couple of houses, as your dad pulled onto a street, there was a couple of trees, while driving up the mystery house, you looked up to the sky, as the sun was beeming down into your eyes, making you look down and rub your eyes.
Your dad's pov:

I'm so excited, it feels like ages since I've seen Anne, but it was only a month ago. I'm happy we decided to move into together, it's better to be here in Sydney with her. It was hard to she Anne as I lived in England but its for the best, for me and for Hannah, she needs to meet new people and new friends, she has lots of friends just maybe not the best of people to hang around with, its also best for Anne as her sons in a band and he needs to practice here with his band mates.

Plus me and Hannah needed a change."So which one is the house?" Hannah spoke, breaking me from my thoughts. "Errr....This one" I said, pointing to the house infront.
Hannah povs:

The house wasn't that big, maybe bigger then 'our house', well 'our old house'. Just thinking back at home, I became sad, felt like crying, I lived there all my life, then one day, I get told to pack and where leaving, I don't really cry, I've been through a lot, I know how to hold it in.

Dad parked outside a house, guess this is it.

looked over at my dad. "It will be okay, don't get worried" dad said, while hugging me and kissing my for head.

He then turned the engine of and stepped out the car opening the car boot.

I let out a big sigh before opening the car door and hopping out and to the back of the car, and grabbing my suitcase and the two boxes.

I heard a door open, and foot steps heading my way, I looked up, to see a women walking my way, with a big smile on her face, so this must be Anne....

"Brad, hi" she said while jogging her way to my dad and hugging him, "hi, Anne, I've missed you" dad said while kissing her lips. "I've missed you to" she said kissing back, it was just a short kiss, they both gave each other hugs, and then turned to me. "So you must be Hannah" Anne said while putting her hand out for me to shake it, "and you must be Anne" I said while shaking her hands, and a smile came across my face, a real one.

"I heard so much about you..good things though" she said while smiling back. "I heard a bit about you to" I lied, I didn't ask questions about her, I wanted to see what she was like in real then, my dad saying things about her.

"Shall we go inside" Anne asked me and my dad nodded. "Here let me help" Anne said, while taking the boxes from my hand. "Thanks" I say back to her while walking into the house. Anne place the boxes down near the stairs and closed the door.

The house was really clean, considering she has 3 kids. "Kids come down, we have guests" Anne shouted looking up stairs.

There was bangs coming from upstairs, and then two kids came rushing down the stairs, and stood right in front of me and my dad. "Hi, I'm Lauren" the young girl said, she must me around my age, maybe 14-15, she has brown hair, and blue eyes. "Ermm...hi...I'm Hannah" I say back to Lauren, "hi, I'm Harry" he was the younger then Lauren, he looked around 8-9, he brown hair, and blue eyes, like Lauren. "Hi, I'm Hannah" I say back, he probably all ready knows, but didn't want to seem rude, not answering back. "Lauren, why don't you show Hannah her room" Anne says, while looking at Lauren, and Lauren nods. I grab my boxes, but they slip of my hand. But it's okay, Lauren grabbed them before they hit the floor. "Thanks" you say with relief, hoping nothings broken. "It's okay. What's in here, it's like really heavy" she said while walking back up the stairs with my boxes in her hands. "Just some pictures" I say. She lead me to a door and opened it, the room was big, well bigger then my last one, it had a double bed, with a wardrobe at the side and cabinets at the side of the bed and a big one at the other side of the room, with a big mirror on it. "I know it's not much, but we didn't want to decorate, in case you don't like the color, so we left it white for you to do want you want" Lauren said while placing my boxes on my bed, "no its fine thanks" I said while looking out side your window, which had cousins on so you could sit on the window. "Guys dinners ready" Anne shouted from downstairs.

"I gonna pass dinner, I've had a long drive, and I'm tired and I'm gonna sort my room out" you said to Lauren and she nodded. "Well then, I'll see you later, and find out more about you Hannah" she said, while we both laugh at the way she said it. "Okay, she you later" I said while she exited my room and closed the door. "Where do I start" I whisper to my self while opening my suit case.

Will do part 4 soon. Hope you liked it, I wrote a lot this time, making up for last time.

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