Chapter 8: Focus

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Ashlie's family arrived at the competition rink in Seattle later that evening. They went straight to the rink to check things out.

"Wow this is a really nice rink!" When you walk in there is a huge open space, probably for warming up. Then to the left is the doors to enter the bleachers to view the ice. Right before going out the doors there are stairs going down to halls with locker rooms and judges rooms.

"Ashlie come this way we we can check in and turn in your music." my mom said to me. My mom got me all checked in so we headed to the hotel we are staying at.

I love staying at hotels for competitions! It's one of my favorite parts! Once we got all settled in it was getting late and I had morning practice ice. I just watched tv until I fell asleep.

"ugh why is it so early?" I mutter shutting off the alarm. I got up and went to the bathroom and changed into my skating clothes and washed my face. I had my mom put my hair in a bun so I could see how it feels before competition. I never wear my hair in a bun except for competition.
Only my mom and I went to the rink for my morning practice ice.

I saw my coach when I walked in and Sara was also with him! "Great now I have to share practice with her too!" My coach has always favored Sara and Jen over everyone! So they always got the most attention at competitions or even at practice back at home too! Luckily Jen has the practice after us.

Sara isn't exactly my friend. She has always been really mean to me and just not a very nice person. But we warmed up in peace. We did some air turns and off ice axels then stretched a little bit.
It was time for our practice to start so I went over to check in with the ice monitor and got on. I did my usual warm up since this was a 30 min. Session. Stroked, did some powerpulls, warmed up my edges. Then started jumps. I didn't like competition practice that much because all the coaches have to stand off the ice at the boards so everytime you did something, you have to skate over to the boards where you coach is and receive your feedback. But I warmed up all the way until my double salchow, which is more than half, before my coach called me over. I'm pretty sure it was because he was too busy with Sara.
"Ashlie make sure to stay to your left side of your double salchow so you're not wild on the landing." my coach said. I followed his criticism and landed the next one perfect. I only have up to a double toe since I am in pre preliminary. (But hopefully I will move up after this)

Practice went well for me. I didn't have major trouble with any jumps and spins. And I got a good feel of the rink.

Now it was time to focus.
I compete mid afternoon. So I went back to the hotel to rest for a little bit before starting to get ready.
That's another thing I love about competitions. Putting on makeup and hair up and wearing your competition dress.
After I was set to go with my competition makeup, hair, and dress on I went to the rink. Usually my coach want me there an hour early to warm up and focus before I get my 5 min warm up.
I walked in and sat down on and empty bench with my stuff. I didn't see my coach anywhere yet. Just then Sara and Jen walk in together followed by our coach. "Of coarse he was with them I should have guessed" I whisper to myself.
"Ok girls this is what you have been practicing for," oh great the before competition lecture,"You all work your tails off at the rink, You three are my hardest workers so you are prepared for this. Just pretend this is practice. think positive and do your best out there today ok?"
"Ok" we all answer back in unison
"Let's do some one leg hops down this hall way, right leg first" coach says
When we finish that we do air turns, off ice axels, check outs, then stretch a little bit.
"Sara go through your program here first, Jen ,Ashlie stretch a little more." coach says.
After Sara and Jen are done with their one on one, finally it is my turn.
I go through my program off ice. "chin up on those cross overs, straiten your leg in the spiral!" coach keeps throwing criticisms at me.
After I'm done he talks to all three of us again. "Remember girls stay on your goals today, don't worry about other people."
As I walk back to the lobby from downstairs I see Madi!
"Hiiiiii" I say as we hug each other
"Hey Ashlie! Are you ready?"
"I guess so, haha good luck today you will do great!" I encourage her before I leave to get my skates on.
Jen is in the first group with me and Sara is in the second group. Madi is in the third group. I find it very odd that Sara always gets in a group by herself every competition so she doesn't have to share coach's attention.
Group one is called to the ice. We do our five minute warm up and everything go smoothly for me. I skate second while Jen goes first. I sit and listen to my program music on my iPod while coach is talking to Jen before she goes on and say a quick prayer. She skates well from what I saw. I try not to watch the competitors before me because I sike myself out.
Now I'm up. I get on the ice and have a gross feeling in my stomach. I try and shake it off while I do some edges waiting for the judges to call my name. "It's just nerves, there is nothing to be nervous about" I try and reassure myself.
"Ashlie come here," coach says, " just do what you do in practice and you will do great! Take one thing at a time." And with a hi five the announcers call my name and I present to the judges. I take my staring pose in the very middle of the ice. It feels like I'm standing there forever before my music starts and so do I. I head down to the corner to do my double salchow and as I go up I know it doesn't feel right. I stand up but it was a messy landing. Now I do some choreography diagonal into my combo spin. It was perfect. I head to the other end and do axel axel combo. Landed solid. My spiral takes me to my next double salchow jump. I land it a little shaky but better than the last one. Next is my double toe. I get speed into it and land it. I do another solid axel then my ending sit spin. Which was average. I perform the choreography and hit my ending pose. It was an over all great program. Dumb double salchows. They were the only shakes things! I bow and get off.
Coach only says good job before heading over to Sara. She fell once on her double loop ( her hardest jump) and her spins were a little slow. Honestly I thought my program was better. Madi did an good program but fell once too.
As I sit in the lobby skates already off, I see Madi and run up to her to congratulate her I a good program. Now all there is to do is wait for results.

"Finally" I say aloud when I see an official taking papers to the results wall. It has been almost an hour.
I scan the list from top to bottom:
1. Sara Blake
2. Jenny Salron (Jen)
3. Lizzy Pushan
4. Ashlie Rowan
5. Madi Nash
6. Ari Beck
7. Summer Timan
..... And so on.
"Of course I knew that was how it was going to be! Sara gets first even though I skated better and probably so did Jen. But nothing I can do now" I say when no one else is around
"At least you placed," Madi says behind me, I missed it by one"
"Ya I'm sorry you skated well too!" I say trying to re assure her.
Now I have to put my skates back in and take group award pictures. Don't get me wrong I am very greatful of getting 4 th but I hate how Sara and Jen are always above me no matter how well I skate or how bad they skate.
Until next time.

AN. So do you like it so far? Is it getting better? I know the first couple ch. suck but I think it is picking up and now you get to see how things always are for Ashlie. Vote. Comment. Pleaseeeee I love u all

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