17. || Barbad ||

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The Nikkah day arrives, and the Haweli is full of people. Alizeah came back yesterday, and she was really sorry for Seher. Though she didn't talk to her much, but she is sorry. The nikkah is done and now the bride and groom are sitting on stage.

Everyone is running around, looking for one thing or the other. The haweli is bursting with traditional music. Everyone seems happy. It is the last wedding for this clan.

Away from everyone's eyes a certain figure is waiting for Seher near the exit. Seher goes to meet her and as usual Arhaan followed behind.

"How are you?" Seher asked hugging her. This is someone very special to her.

"As good as I can be Aapi." She replied with her smile. And that smile told Seher, she is okay, after years of pain, She is finally trying to be okay.

"Wanna come inside?"

"No Aapi let it be. I just came here to give you this. Please pass it on. I am leaving Aapi. I got my job, a new beginning is waiting for me."

"You deserve it, you deserve a better life. Surely better than everything you got, live your life, live your dream."

"I will. I promise I will."

"Take care. Be safe and keep in touch."

"Aapi, can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"Please tell Arhaan bhai everything. You have the right to angry but he deserve to know the truth Aapi."

"I will. One day maybe."

"It's been a while now. At least tell him about the letter, he will get to everything by himself then."

"He will get to know everything in the right time."

"So...That is it. Goodbye."

"Take care." With that Ahad's Maya left.

But a sudden chaos occur in her mind, a feeling she felt years ago maybe.
Unknown to her is that someone else felt that too, looking towards her back, someone's heart is beating fast again.

By the time she comes near her car, Arhaan called her from behind.
"Listen wait.."

"Arhaan Bhai.." To say she is shocked to see Arhaan Ahmed here will be understated.

"Hey.. You must be..." Arhaan have know her quite well too. Seher is close to her, maybe the only person Seher consider as her friend.

"Yeah I am that person only." She assures him.

"I heard you conversation with Seher. Look I know you are close to her. I really want her to be with me. I want to clear this mess I had created. Please can you just help me?"

To be honest she was in no mood to talk to him even that alone to tell him about Seher's secrete but deep down she want to help Arhaan, that will be the last thing she will do for Seher, for this family. Seher supported her when no one did, and now it will be a little payback from her side.

"What do you want me to do?" She asked.

"Just tell me the thing she is hiding from me."

"That's not my place to say, but I know you need to know. Ummm why don't you look for a letter, with some medical reports. That is the only thing I can say. Goodbye."With that her car goes away, leaving a confused Arhaan behind.

The words stuck in his mind. A letter. Medical reports. That must be kept in his room only. Coming to his room he started looking for the medical reports, Seher used to keep them beside the Study table.

Opening it he found a two year old report, and reading it dropped his heart to his stomach.One word stuck there in his mind, Seher Arhaan Ahmed, Miscarriage. There lies a letter, something that will haunt him to death now. With trembling hand he start reading that.


I don't know when you will read this letter. Or when I will give it to you. But whenever that happens. I know we both will cry. That day I will mourn for my loss, love, for our loss love, together. Because it is something we both loss together, and grieving for it without you feels not right to me. I never got to tell this to anyone but I want to tell you this.

Today when you left us, we loss our child too love. Our child about whom we are not even aware of. Two week old lump of flesh and blood, my baby,and that is gone too soon, our baby is gone too soon love. Its paining me, chocking me.

You remember how I used to crave for a family of my own. A family we dream to have together, without fights. You promised me to stay yet you are the one to leave. You promised me a forever too, which didn't last long. But I do remember my promises well. I remember my promise to wait for you.

The day you left for Kanpur you asked me "Will you wait for me?" and I replied 'For you I will wait'. I marked those lines of The Kite Runner, only that single line where ever it comes in the book 'For you a thousand times over.'

That day when you left, I saw it in you eyes, the Love, something you told me years later I had already knew ever since the beginning of it. I started writing to you every single day because you always reply to me, which was quite surprising, you hate mails.

During our days in in New York, there were many times, i just wanted you to hug me at nights, perhaps you were too busy. But on that night, I didn't know you were home, I went to our room, got into your last nights shirt and cried, I knew you were going for a week long trip, but you were there, you hugged me whole night, no words exchanged, just held me close to you. And I know, I am home.

I hate you today, hate you for leaving, hate you for not being here when I needs you the most, as your wife, as the mother of the your child whom we just lost. Today way back, Zain held my hand, as if he was afraid that I will shatter any moment soon. I won't. Only in front of one person I will, that's you, always been you.

I will wait for that day to come, for you to come back, i will wait,no matter how long it would be, for one week, one month, one year, one decade and one lifetime too.

Mujhe apka inteezar rahega.


Falling on his knees, he can feel his world trembling around him. He lost his baby years ago. Seher lost her everything that day. But she still decided to wait for him. Even after everything Seher Mirza is still waiting for him. How can she love him so much? A question that is going on his mind. Seher stopped feeling her pain, because if she did, she would have died.

On a single day, she lost her world. All because of him. She endured every pain, all because of him, for him, in a just hope that one day he will come back to fulfill his promise.

//Sari tarkeebein khali pad gayi
Sari umeedein bhi bekhar key reh gayi
Pyaar usne bahot kiya tha janab
Afsoos kisi ke nafrat ke agey uske mohabbat ki kami pad gyi//

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