22. || Ghar ||

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Coming back to Seher has always been something Arhaan Ahmed knows he have to do at the end. She has been her final destination, always. But today, for once he is afraid, maybe because of all the things happened in past few weeks and all the lectures Haris had provided him with.

But along with that he is nervous, this time he is the one coming to Seher, and hopefull she will take him with open arms. That's the only thing he can wish for.

Clad in her bridal attire she is looking eternal beauty. Today their happiness knows no bound. Years of waiting, years of hiding their love, and after facing all kinds ups and downs, here they are, a few steps away from being in together.

Walking down the aisle is never been easy for any girl. All the memories of childhood till this very moment comes running up in mind, making one numb, a next few moments will change their life. A new family and a person with whom you are supposed to share everything with. And Seher Mirza is no exception. Holding the hands of Saira she takes cautious steps down the lane, thinking about everything and nothing.

Zain holds another hand, supporting her, giving her a silent promise that no matter what, he will be there for her. Isn't that the thing about siblings, when Seher and Zain used to be in school, they used to fight over every single thing, growing up they became each others soul support and today Zain is already upset thinking about the farewell he have to bid his Aapi, in next few hours.

Standing on the other side of the curtain, Seher could see Arhaan Ahmed Khan, her love, her friend, her home. But for some reason she stopped. She stands still, Saira asked her to move but Seher keeps shut being numb.

Whispers begun about how the dulhan has stopped walking, without thinking Arhaan comes to her side, he knows Seher needs support, his support.

"Kya hua bacche? Sherni ho na meri. Daar lag raha hai toh rehne dete hai."
Holding her hand he whispers lovingly as if going away from the nikkah field is not a big deal.

Well for Arhaan Ahmed, it's not, if Seher is not okay with it, there is no need of doing this, he is happy to have her, and their live in NYC is pretty much good.

" Lehenga bohot bhari hai Arhaan." Seher complained like a child.

That's the thing about Seher Mirza, she never complained about anything to anyone, but in front of Arhaan, she is the pampered child, complaining whining pouting for no reason, and Arhaan love this thing about the most.

"Sorry baccha. You know na this is all because of Sadia Khala, I will talk to her okay. Do want to change first?"

"No let's get married"
Nodding his head he goes to the other side in his previous position.

The lenhenga part is a mere excuse and he is quitw aware of that, she just wanted to see him, assuring herself that she is marrying her Arhaan only. Little after the nikkah is done and the in next few days their life changed.


Standing in front of Seher's residence only one thing is going on in his mind. In past two years, not for once she complained about anything to him, and there is no way she will complain to anyone else.

Today after years he realises, even though she had everyone around, she was alone.

Wo utni khud naa thi
Jitni wo meri thi

Seeing Arhaan coming inside from the front door, everyone is shocked and the only person that would be happy is not present, Saira.

"Arhaan ap yaha?" It's Sunday afterall so Ruhaan is here for lunch and dinner. He asked him seeing that no one else will utter a single word.

"For a fact Mr. Rizwaan, Seher is my wife."

"Whom you left for twice?" It's Zain

"Ap Arhaan ho?" Ashana asked him running towards him, hugging his legs. He sits on his knees holding her in his arms.

Her innocent eyes remembers him of that 13 year old Seher, the one he had lost his heart to way back. And today again for Ashana. Today he can feel what a father feels like to have a daughter in his arms.

"Haa princess, aur ap Ashana ho?"

"Haa.. par ap toh karwe nahi ho?"

"Who told you I am bitter?" He asked in amusement.

"Seher Mumma."

"Then maybe I am. You know who I am? Other than Karwa insaan."

"My baba! Seher mumma told me that."

"My princess...." Hugging her close his chest he feels peace. A mere call of Baba means the world to him. He will be the best father to Ashana, he makes a silent promise.

A small chapter because I am not feeling like writing. I just wanted to end this book this week so that I can start with the other two but I guess everything just don't work out as planned.

Firstly today I want to take a moment to thank some people who always stick with me. I don't know how I am as a writer and this is my very first story and these people are my soul supporters as far.
ChubbeeeCheeks Miss_Granger_NOP MansiSharma622 Pardeepti rose5568 ffmanan mention Aa user

AND Ruhi_24 for always being there and dazzling_glitter she is the one who told me to write just write.

Thank you all for being with me. I know I am far from being a good author but I will try to improve. Just hope you people will stick with me till the end of this series.

From here updates will be on alternative days, I know I don't have to give this because you people will read it and support but still I feel it's important to let you people know. I am very much grateful to you all for all the support. Keep supporting me. Love to all. Sending virtual hugs and kisses.

This book is near the end and after this the other two will go simultaneously. I will update every alternative day I promise. ❤️❤️❤️

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