21. || Gunaah ||

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Mistake is a part of ones life. Everyone have done some. And that's quite normal. But what the problem is that not learning from those mistakes. We are bound to do mistakes and important part is we need to learn from those mistakes.

Ahad and Arhaan used to be very close once. Arhaan had been the best brother back in London. But after years now, their equation is not much clear.

On a windy cold night of mid November, Ahad stands on the balcony, remaining all his days with his love. A beautiful past he will cherish always. But he lost it, and somewhere deep in his heart he knows, he lost her for good. Yet refused to accept that.

Unknown to him, Arhaan stands behind him. Arhaan knows his brother needs him today. But after years of separation, will he accept him? Now everyone is not Seher Mirza.



"You knew but didn't say anything to me. Just tell me why?"

"Never really got the chance Bhai. You left and that time everything was simply a mess.

My own life was a mess, it still is but that time I ruined everything perhaps the scars of the wounds I gave my Maya and myself was way too raw for me to handle." Ahad Ahmed Khan miss her, always will.

"So what's next now?"

"What do you mean bhai?"

"I mean.. You know. You let her go, so what's next now? "

"I don't know."

"Ahad, I want you to come with me. I am going back to New York. I want you to work with me. And.."

"I can't Bhai..


"Bhai I promised her to live my life. And going to New York means running away from everything, I can't do that. I have to face the truth.

For years now, I am just running away. I never accepted my mistakes. And that she's gone, I need to do that. I need to take up my responsibilities. I need to be a better man, for her, for me."

"You loved her so much, still you let her go?"

"I love her and that's why I let her go."

"You know it can be.."

"Do you even know what I did to her?"

"I... I don't know. Seher didn't tell me anything. But after knowing her the little bit, I can say she is a gem Ahad. You should have.."

"I should have let her go years ago bhai. She is a gem. A priceless gem which I don't afford.

And since Seher didn't tell you anything, well I think she just have an idea what happened, or what I did, she didn't know the whole thing herself. And I am not sure if I can tell you that.. It's just"

"I understand. You don't need to tell me now. But I want you to know no matter what I am here with you. I know I left but now I want to rectify my mistakes."

"Then you shouldn't go back, you know. Seher needs you here."

"She won't agree right?"


"I need to go. I need sometime."

"How much bhai? You need to accept the fact, Bhai, there is nothing you can do.

I don't want to be a part of this Haweli. I am happy with the family we created for ourselves back in Delhi. I will be happy there,"

"Ahad I promised Abbu to give you equal rights."

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