23. ||Wadein||

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The unfolds scene in front of her eyes tells her that how good father Arhaan will be. She always knew it. But seeing how easily Arhaan and Ashana accepted each other, is just like an assurance that this will gonna be fine. He deserves to know, he surely does.

"I need to talk him, alone." Seher said. Getting the clue, everyone started leaving the hallway, Rubina takes Ashana with her , and Zain stayed a little behind as if warning Arhaan not to mess up this time.

"Seher.." Arhaan started only to cut off by Seher.

"I am pregnant Arhaan.." And that is it, she drops the bomb.
It took a few good second for Arhaan to absorb the news, Seher is pregnant, she is carrying a child, his child, he is going to a father, and there is no words he can say to express his happiness, he simply hugged her with that a lone tear comes to his eyes, a happy tear.

"What?? That's... so . I am so happy." Taking her in his arms he just hugged her, he is home. Seher loses herself in his arms, he is home, the heartbeats of hers.

Uski mohabbat uske nafrat key parey the
Uski zindagi Seher pey qurbaan

"Leave.." Seher whispers, while Arhaan just tightens his hold. Hiding his face in her neck, he simply don't know what should he feel first.

So many emotions are coming in his mind. For now he just want to feel Seher close to him, even the idea of having a part of him growing inside Seher makes him feel every happiness. His Seher deserves the world and he will give it. Leaving her again is never an option. He is home now, and his family is here.

"Never in a thousand years Seher Arhaan Ahmed" Arhaan assures.

"It's still Seher Mirza. And leave because that's what you will do again when things go towards south, you will simply run away, being a coward you are. Because running away from problems is easy than facing it and I have to keep doing everything why, oh because I just can't be like you and ignore the things happening around me.

I can't ignore the shit going around. But you can. You know what, this silent agreement which you have with problem is not gonna work this time okay, 'you and your problems, both don't like each other so you simply don't face them and this is not gonna happen now.

I am pregnant, and I can take care of my baby very well along with everyone here, so if you are here to leave again then please leave this moment only. I don't want anything from...." Her monologue is cut off by a passionate kiss.

Arhaan have no other way left to shut her and calm her down, she complained, after years she is putting down her fake smiles, she coming back to herself.
All the anger, the frustration, the pain she have trapped in herself is coming to surface now. And there Arhaan know this the first thing he needs her to do.

He wanted Seher to scream at him, to slap him hard but for now she needs to calm down a bit, she needs to know that he here and he is not leaving.

"I will not. I will not leave not this time, not ever in this life. I am here Seher, I am for you, for your love, I am here Mohtarma"

"You are staying because of the baby...." Seher told him crying her heart out.

"No I am staying because of you, I didn't even know about the my baby Seher for speaking out loud, you never bothered to tell me about my baby though everyone around already knows about it.
So please, listen to this and make it a clear note, I am here for you, because I am afraid of losing you, you will wait for me till the end I know that but what if I am late again and you don't forget me.
Waiting for me doesn't mean that you will again take me back in your life. I agree I am everything you said about me.
But now that I am here I promise you to do my best to clear my mess." Cupping her cheeks he tells her the reason of his coming back.

He is hurt that she didn't tell him about her pregnancy, what if he is not here then, but at the same time realization hit him.
He saved himself from something worst by coming back at the right time, because even not today, or even a bit delay would have cost him not only his baby but Seher too.

"I will not forgive you with all this sweet talks. I have been through shits alone Arhaan Ahmed and trust me this time you leave I am leaving you too." Seher warned him.

"I will never give to that chance, Mohtarma. I am not going anywhere and neither you are."

"Ashana...will stay with me."

"With Us you mean."

" I don't have room for you, wo kya hai na khud ki kamayi hai jitna hai yahi hai" As if not having an extra room will make Arhaan leave, she is just making herself clear here.

"Yeh bohot hai. And about room, I think I already know my wife won't mind if I share a room with her." He said teasing her, still having her in his arms.

"Now you remember you have a wife too. I thought you never will." And she is back now with her complains, Arhaan sits on the sofa nearby making her sit on his lap, holding her close to his heart.

"I never forgot you Seher, I never will. You are my Seher, my morning that brings a new hope in me to live everyday, I am always coming back to you my love, always. I know I am late but trust me this time I will do everything right. I promise that, I keep my promises."

"I will not share my room with you. Tum jao na Maa key pass bada side leti hai tumhara. You know how badly she scold me when I told her that I am not telling you about my pregnancy, she even stopped visiting me since then, and you know when Zain called her to ask about morning sickness she said you won't tell because I am doing wrong with with her son. So just go to her, no need to be here."

"Are you jealous Seher Mirza?" He asked in amusement.

"Shut up okay, I have Ammi with me."

"Who certainly have no idea of your mood swings. She loves you I know my Ammi, but about your mood swings, it's complicated you know."

That's true, Rubina always stands with Seher but about her mood swings no one knows, not even Saira herself is much aware of this. But Arhaan is, always been.

"Just get lost, I hate you." She is just not ready to lose her anger.

"I love you more my love." Hugging her tight he holds her close. He knows Seher Mirza in no way is gonna be easy on him now, and with pregnancy no chance, but for her everything is worth it.

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