Chapter 46

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There's something awfully wrong.

My hands tingle inside the pockets of my trousers, my feet feeling particularly restless. I expected downcast eyes, maudlin smiles, and even unbidden jagged tears. In exchange I've gotten unrestrained laughter and pesky banter.

What I'm trying to say, is that I came to New York prepared for the worse. I don't know if I should be relieved that all the woeful scenarios in my head didn't come to fruition or ashamed that I had put so little hope in this trip.

The scent of pine needles, bubbling champagne, spicy gingerbread, and the lingering smell of sparklers being lit up by the children on the backyard wafting inside the house reminds me that we are at a party after all, and that this is how it is supposed to be.

If there's one thing that I've learned in the past few hours, is that the Saunders know how to party. Knowing Alexia –and having been participant of her drunken escapades–, it doesn't come as a surprise, but her parents are what has been the most shocking.

My eyes roam around the room until they land on Eloise Saunders, impeccable golden brown hair pulled in a bun, long manicured nails clinging around his husband's arm. Truth be told, she's been remarkably nice to me. Excluding a couple of double entendre this morning –which left me out of breath not because of their meaning but because they sounded exactly as something that Alexia would say–, she has been nothing but good-natured.

She's faking it, I can't help thinking. It's taking me some time and then some more to reconcile the things I've heard about her, the things I know, with the person I've met today. But alas, that's despondent and selfish and so I choose to believe that people do change.

Her father hasn't let out that much, in the other hand. I haven't actually talked to him, but he appears more standoffish nevertheless.

"Come, there's someone I want you to meet." Alexia tugs at my arm, bringing me out of my thoughts. I follow her lead, going through the different crowds gathered on the room.

And how could I not believe that people change when the effect it has had on my girl makes my chest swell with crushing love? In case you missed it: I'm a total schmaltz.

My gaze travels unavoidably down her body as I trail behind her. The low cut black dress she's wearing clings to her curves in all the perfect ways, covering just enough of her thighs. My throat clamps down at the supple skin of her legs, the tangerine strappy heels putting unbidden thoughts in my head.

She looks breathtaking in that goddamned dress, and I know that I've been staring at her longer than what is socially appropriate.

"Mags!" Alexia comes to a stop, throwing her arms around a red-haired woman around her age. Squeals and hushed words are exchanged before the introductions are offered. "This is my cousin, Maggie. And this is my boyfriend, Nathaniel." She could introduce me to basically the entire American population and I'd still get all giddy, my blood rushing with pride and everything that is good whenever he introduces me to someone. Her boyfriend. Hers.

"Enchanted to meet you, Maggie." I opt for a handshake but she pulls me into a hug and kisses me on both cheeks. I like her immediately.

"I heard about the engagement, congratulations." Alexia adds. Maggie raises her left hand up, flaunting the bright emerald ring.

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