Firsts...From First Ride to First Selfie...

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Raghav's POV:

My baby dragon is sitting behind me... All equipped with that jacket and helmet ...must say she looks really hot with that 🔥

I'm getting turned on all the wrong way...thank God the backpack is between us...

But I'm very very happy that I'm getting to travel with her.. Ofcourse not a big trip...nor a honeymoon but atleast a short one finally...

Mom was all laughs while serving me breakfast...

Dad made my cheeks go pink by teasing me ' know what's going to be tomorrow's headlines...Finally the busy businessman plans a mini honeymoon 😋'

I almost choked on my coffee...while they both had a mighty laugh...

But there were butterflies in my stomach thinking of she and me getting some time for ourselves.... specially after all the crazy encounters we were having and she confessing to be aware of the attraction between us ...

Even I was aware of the teasing, Attraction and the sexual tension we both were having between each other....but I was still hesitant...I thought we both needed our own space and time ...

Naman's wedding was postponed for a month due to Ajjo's surgery....but the preparations were in full found a way to give me and Siya time with each other I knew for sure because she and dad could have gone next month to offer the invitation to god...but she chose to send Siya with me instead

Not that I mind😍 I danced a little in my shower today😋😬🙃🙊 as I was excited about she accompanying me....but I don't know about her...she definitely looked confused last night and hence I tried convincing mom everytime praying in my heart hoping mom comes with stronger reason to get her with me on this trip...And my mom rocks 😎 she convinced with all logical explanations to make her join me... And

Yolo... We are on this biketrip now...

Curse you backpack for playing the gooseberry here😒

I still couldn't forget her expressions when she saw me on the bike... maybe she never expected me to ride a bike...her jaw dropped to knee length seeing me in my leather jacket and biker costume...she froze for a few minutes 🙊🤣

I asked her to put on the extra jacket and tie her long silky hair...I wouldn't want them entangled....they enhance her beauty 😍and I know she's obsessed about her hair

While wearing the jacket she kept on analyzing my bike equipments and Mr camera... I always prefer to travel well equipped and my camera is my bestie as photography, traveling and reading are my favorite hobbies... So I also carried that one book Siya and me, we both were reading but looks like she switched to something else recently and I didn't get time to read it... These are my favorite rejuvenation techniques...

Post riding for a few hours, We stopped at a small tea/coffee stall to have some time... While I asked her for coffee...she insisted on tea... I got a cup of coffee for myself and tea for her with some biscuits from my bike side pack...

She looked at me surprised I smiled...

'So.... you're a biker' she said

'Hmmm...not a biker exactly... I like doing solo trips to remote location and hawk is my favorite when I travel..I feel liberated and free from every tension while I's no mobile, just hawk, me, books, camera and nature' I replied...

While I saw a strong gaze of hers looking into my face like she was searching something...

'Heyyy you there' I called her out...

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