Jealous Much ??? Mrs Raghav Prabhu - Part 2

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Raghav's POV:

I started running behind her...walked down the building but I found her nowhere...

In no time I saw her take an auto...I tried to stop her but the auto already left...

I ran to the parking area to drive my car back home...

There was usual traffic at the Kankanady junction and it took a complete half an hour for the traffic to clear...when I reached home it was 11:30pm...

Mom asked me why did I and Siya come home seperately... unfortunately I had to lie saying Siya wasn't feeling well so she came shouted at me for letting her come alone in an auto at this hour of the day. Night!!!

I quickly went upstairs dodging her questions... I saw she had already slept off.

I went and sat next to her...For a minute I wanted to wake her up...but I didn't feel like doing it...

So I just lied down next to her.... slowly drifted off to sleep...

After sometime I felt like the table lamp was switched on and off minute I felt a movement next to me...I quickly opened my eyes...the room was all dark...only the single dim light near the washroom area was on... I saw her pick a pillow and walk towards the couch...

That's when I realized out of my habit in Goa I slept next to her on the bed...

'Siya stop... please... I'll take the couch if you want'

I heard no response from her...

I got up from the bed when she was putting up the pillow on the couch... inspite of replying me back she chose to ignore the entire conversation completely and was about to take the couch...

I held her wrist...

'Siya... I said I'll take the couch...I know you're angry it's fine'

Surprisingly she turned around and first smiled...

That sarcastic fake smile again...uhhhhh!!!

'No Mr Prabhu...I'm comfortable...I anyways had to get up early for finishing some finance work and manage also plan some orders... including the engagement preps after all mom has given me the responsibility for sweets and the cake too... tomorrow morning we will be expecting guests pouring in'm just trying to...'

I cut her explanation to short...

'So... you are not angry with me Siya?'

And the fake smile returns... what's with that fake smile!!! Really....

'Why should I get angry? What's happened after all for me to get angry...I'm good' she said looking everywhere except my eyes . ..

'Look into my eyes and say that Siya...I see you're changed attitude towards me since Goa... and today when I was dancing with'

She cut me in between...

'Why do you think I'll be upset with you...what's happened that should bother me...huhh...' now she sounded a bit annoyed...

'Because you were shooting me with your eyes alone all the time I was dancing with Vedika' I said once and for all...

She laughed...

'Oh please Raghav... I'm not upset ....infact why should I care with whom you dance or be's your life...your choice...your friends... Your girlfriend'

'She is not my girlfriend Siya...I told you about Vedika before'

'You think I'm interested Mr Prabhu? It's your life your choice...I don't care' she damn that fake smile.

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