Kiss me baby 💋

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Raghav's POV:

I am right now closing my eyes ...but the world seems to have stopped too...

This moment....this woman in my more enticing than a drug...

Doctor asked me to apply spray on her ankle post doing the same I noticed my little baby dragon 🐉 limp and try to perform some serious stunts...

When she saw me get angry at her she confessed she wanted to change her clothes...

My heart was fluttering... I was behaving like a 18 year old having Netflix and chill 🙈😋

But I tried to calm my jumping heart and asked her to 'Change'

Her brown orbs popped out and she disagreed...

I finally assured her to close my eyes... But my heart queried me

'Raghav...this can cause you a cardiac arrest...back off!!!'

But I decided to take a chance.. or more like
'Chance pe dance'😬😉
I tried to be a good boy and switched off the bedroom lights...

Slowly made her get down and poor little baby dragon 🐉 was limping today...

My heart ached to see her in pain...

But when I had her in my arms...that feeling was something else...

Soon I closed my eyes with all honesty and stood there... I could feel her undressing herself...

Oh my poor heart...💕what are you going through...

My breathing was going erratic...

Just then I felt her loose her balance and I held her tightly...

My hand touched soft flesh on her hips...
Her silky soft waist...Bare....
Bare waist????

Not that I never noticed it...
Her perfect mermaid figure always had her waist look perfectly sway around specially when she wore a saree...
That was enough to arouse me...

But today I had to behave...
I started to divert my concentration to everything else... trying to think about the deal we cracked...about what work I am left with etc...etc.... But everything in vain...all my brain finally concentrated on was

'Such a sexy waist'

God.... My brains.... control!!!!

Just then I heard her request me to hold her by her shoulders...

But my hands literally paralyzed and didn't want to leave that soft flesh on her waist...

2 mins more...please please...

My brains begged me...while somehow I forced my one hand to hold her shoulder...

She instructed me in a soft sensual voice to move both my hands to her shoulders then she pleaded...

I obeyed like a machine...

Soon the sweet torture got over and I opened my eyes...

She looked like a doll in her PJ's...
I gave her the meds and took her back to bed and covered her with the sheets...

I sat to complete my work... while she noticed me making phone calls...she noticed it was ticking 10...

She asked me who...

God this woman and her possessiveness 🤣

I taunted her saying I'm calling my girlfriend Anu🤣🤣🤣 she immediately hid herself in the sheets 🤣🤣🤣

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