Too hot to handle - Part 2 🔥💘

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Siya's POV:

There is a saying in Konkani...

'Vatteri vacche vaaga...🐅

Makka yevnu khaaga😧'

Which means provoking a tiger 🐅 who was silently walking it's path to come and make you it's dinner🍖🍗

I literally felt this proverb perfectly fit on me right now 😧

You could have politely agreed to answer him in morning right Siya...

But no...

You and your stupid heart...

Fluttering stupid heart 🙃❤️

Crazy fluttering stupid heart ❤️💘

Now be ready to suffer 😧


Oh god....

Why is he doing this ...

His voice....

His body...

No Siya No....

Don't turn around...

You can't handle that man's charms....

You couldn't handle it when he was decent...

And now he's turning a pervert 🤦 day after day...

Calm down...

Just keep the plate and run...

Keep it on table and run....


Why is he soooo soooo tempting....

No no no....

Just keep the damn thing there and go you stupid woman!!!


Raghav's POV:

My baby dragon had come to me sharp at 1:30 pm

I was impressed 😎

I like the affect that's increasing on her...

She is shivering...

I'm still wet.... soaking wet...

I stepped out of the pool, tied a towel on my swimming shots and looked up.....only....

to only see a trembling wife of mine 😂

.... trying to balance the plate full of food in her hands...


As hell 😂

Shivering at Goa's 35 degrees screeching hot weather 😜🙃

I was loving it❤️

'Siyaaaaaah' I whispered in a husky tone right in her ears....

Making her shiver ...

The next thing I saw her keep the food on the pool side table...

' Pl... please eat' and run😂

I couldn't let that happen....can I 🤪🤭

I held her wrist while her back was facing me...

And started my conversation...

R: Where do you think you are going...

S: D...Da....Da...Da...

R: Stop stammering...

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