My wife- the perfect businesswoman!

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Siya's POV:

My heart was really beating hard once I read the note from the hotel that wished us on our 'Honeymoon'


My cheeks went crimson pink ..I was trying to run away from this embarrassment...

Thankfully Raghav changed the topic to food and is something that gets me all shameless 😋

I was dying in hunger ...I just wanted to eat and sleep...

We had a lavish non veg spread...I don't eat chicken... But I'm a fish lover...

We had Pomfret, prawns...ohhh... 😍😍😍 Absolutely delicious...

Now that my tummy was happy I wanted to hit the bed ..

Only then I noticed Raghav staring at the couch and bed and looked confused...

I understood he couldn't fit into the couch and really didn't mind him share the bed...but then this extreme genius man and his overdramatic antiques...

I had to stop him sleep on the floor... And now I have him next to me on this bed...

It's a very different feeling...

I won't lie...

I'm nervous...very nervous...

Specially after all the mad happenings with both of us...

It's actually a tad bit risky sharing the bed...but then I trust him and trust my self too....

Slowly sleep acquired my eyes...I was fast asleep

Only to open my eyes and it was ticking 6...I slept an entire afternoon... I got up to see Raghav isn't in the room... I looked around...he wasn't there...

Then I noticed a sticky note saying
'Out for a business meeting...will be back by 7:00 max...'

I smiled...

I quickly ordered a cup of coffee via room service and took the lazy chair near in my room... being the sky villa i had a fabulous view of sunset from my room...

 being the sky villa i had a fabulous view of sunset from my room

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Sky looked so beautiful...

I leaned lazily to watch the beautiful view.....

Just then I heard the door knob open...

Raghav was back...
He looked tired...a little irritated... He threw his blazer on bed and took the lazy chair next to me...

I looked at him... He was relaxing by lying down on the chair with his eyes closed...

'How was the meeting' I asked...

'Ummm... Not so good yaar...I believe there is no other way except offering a higher price for the land as of would be a loss but eventually we'll try to multiply the profit' he said rubbing his forehead...

Destiny planned this one for us (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now