Candles Off!!! Jealousy On?

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Raghav's POV:

Like yesterday I ordered lunch in our rooms... Siya wanted to go out but as I had other plans for tonight...

Special plans ❤️

I decided to keep her under the impression that i wasn't planning anything 'Romantic' just like she termed it this morning 😋

I didn't want to give her any hints...while I secretly booked a table for candle light dinner by the beach side...just for both of us...

I wanted to make her feel special...

Today when I spoke about Aditi to her she was shocked...I wanted to explore this relationship...

I don't know all these days we felt physical attraction to each other...I wanted her to's not just about physical attraction...or lust...


I liked her...

I wouldn't term it beyond that because everything takes time...

But I definitely knew one thing for sure..

I definitely want to stay in this marriage.

With her.

My little baby dragon 🐉❤️😍

We ordered Chinese for lunch today...
We ordered wonton soup, chicken and veg dimsums, Pao Cai, spring rolls for starters..for main course we kept it simple as we ordered just 1 burnt garlic fried rice with mushroom Manchurian and shared it.

We ended our lunch with jasmine tea as it's best to drink it post a heavy Chinese meal.

We were full. Siya changed into her pajamas and went back to get some rest while my lawyer at Goa made the papers ready to begin with property buying proceedings and also our new venture with Mr.Karmarkar... Everything went pretty smooth today and all bad blood was finisht between me and Karmarkar...

I was back in no time only to see my princess in a deep slumber 😍 she looked gorgeous ❤️ my heart was all over tonight's plans of being with her...

I infact informed Anupam too not to call me tonight and that my phone would be switched off.

I wanted to dedicate all my time to Siya...

I changed into my pajamas just then I received a call from Radz...

'Radhika calling....'

I smiled and picked her call..

'So.... Mr Prabhu is on a honeymoon is it' I heard her laugh..

'Shutup Radz... No honeymoon nothing...came here for finalizing a deal' I replied...

'Ohoooo...that's why you don't reply on WhatsApp is it?' she teased...

'Shutup Radz...the deal got finalized last night...I'll be back home tomorrow.. probably' I told her...

' fast you are done with your honeymoon is it sweetie...the speed you are in...I guess your babies will be in our arms in 4 and half months...cuz your fast na' she laughed...

I laughed out loudly...
'My god you are crazy Radz.. by the way you missed my reception and you didn't meet my Siya' I complained...

'Myyyyy Siya...ohoooooo' she teased..

I bit my tongue and scratched the back of my neck... cursing myself...

Then she continued...
'I know yaar...but you know it clashed with Yash's parents 30th wedding anniversary...I was helpless...but hey let's meet up for the reunion party???' she said...

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