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Martial and I were ushered into the Justice Building and separated into different rooms. I'm sure mine is usually used as a banquet hall. Chairs are stacked around the edge of the room, the cushions velvet and looking like something from the Capitol. A long table lay along the back wall, draped in a white tablecloth but otherwise empty. I stand beneath a chandelier that casts diamonds on the walls from the ray of sunlight peeking through the drawn curtains.

There's a small dusty sofa in the centre of the room. It looks like the sofa at home, not something to be matched with furniture that radiates Capitol luxury, and has clearly been moved here for the hour-long goodbyes.

Most tributes have friends and family lining up to say goodbye but when the door opens it's evident I will only see my parents and Granddad before I get on the train.

I half expected Mother to hug me and cry. Instead, she stomps over to me, eyes red and puffy, with her fists curled into balls.

"What were you thinking?" A soon as her voice hit a high, shrill, screech, I looked to my Father and tuned her out. The last thing she would want is for our last possible interaction to be an argument. As much as I could easily ignore her, rile her up to the point of striking me- which she never did but I had never done anything this extreme before- I wrap my arms around her shoulders.

Her voice falters and her arms wrap around my waist. She buries her head into my chest and takes deep breaths as I slowly uncurl my fists from between her shoulder blades.

"You said you didn't care about the games. I told you I couldn't face this again. I can't bear losing you, Tez." I look over at the two men standing with their arms crossed. Clearing my throat, I pull away and try to smile.

"I stand more of a chance than Claudia."

"Ha!" We look over at Granddad. His face is red and his finger is jabbing at the air towards us, his top lip is sweating as it usually does when he's angry but there are tears in his eyes. "In age, perhaps, but she's had three years at the Academy. Three more years than you and much more muscle. The tyke could beat you in an arm wrestle." We wait for him to fall silent and then the unthinkable happens. He saunters over and wraps his arms around my neck and head, crushing me against his chest. "You eat the Capitol dry, you'll need the extra fat if you run out of food." And with that, he bites his knuckles and leaves the room.

We're left in stunned silence. The room feels hot and the air thick, I wonder if I can open the window?

Father approaches me and holds me by the shoulders.

"Your lighter, is it empty?" I take it out of my pocket and show him. He nods and sighs. "It should be able to pass as your token if your mentor fights for you. So, please, try to get them to like you. Sometimes there's a blowtorch, but only one- find it, empty it. This could save your life." He wraps his hands around my own and brings it close to his chest. "Try not to die." I try on a smirk for him.

"I'll do better than try, I'll win."

The door opens and a Peacekeeper looks between us, there's pity in his eyes for my parents but he motions from behind him and Artemis and Claudia enter the room.

They hesitate upon seeing my parents but Mother and Father give me a final hug and leave the room.

"Terra." Artemis greets, guiding Claudia closer to me. "We just wanted to say thank you and, um, I'm sorry." She looks between me and her sister. "It was meant to be me." I shrug.

"Suppose it'll be more interesting now." Nodding slowly, she begins to smile.

"Yeah, I guess so. Thanks!" They turn to leave but Artemis hesitates slightly. "Oh, and good luck."

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