Chapter one

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So... I just came across an anime called Servamp. It's about a high schooler that finds a cat and brings it home. Later on, it turns out that the cat was actually a vampire. So this story is kinda based off that, but not the vampire part. (I kinda switched that roll out with really cute assassin) Ok here we go!


Sinbad was out on his usual morning- well, afternoon- stroll. It was going to be just like the others, just walk around his palace and run into some pals before ending back up at his office- or room-. But today... today was different.

He was walking passed the garden when- out of nowhere- he heard a a slight meow. He turned abruptly to face the sudden noise. There was a little grey cat stretching and yawning. Sinbad immediately straightened up. It was just a silly cat. There was nothing to worry about. Sinbad walked over to the cat and knelt down. He tried to pet it. "Now what's your name?" The cat poked its head up to look at the sudden voice talking to it. Their green eyes reflected Sinbad's. The cat hissed when Sinbad picked it up. "Sorry, little kitty, but it's too cold outside for you. You also look really hungry. Let's get you inside." The cat hissed and scratched Sinbad and he winced when one scratch drew blood.

When Sinbad entered the palace, he was greeted by Drakon, one of his generals. Drakon stared at the hissing cat and back at Sin. He sighed before letting him pass, but not before he scolded Sinbad. "Sin, this is the third stray this week. And it's still Tuesday. You seriously need to stop. One of these days your kindness going to turn around and bite you." Sinbad laughed it off before the cat twisted around and bit his nose.

"Ow! H-hey! You gave her an idea!" Drakon laughed before pointing at the cat.

"It's clearly a boy, Sinbad. And I doubt the cat even understand me." Sin huffed before walking to his bedroom. On his way, he ran into some maids and told them to get some food and water for the little kitty. The cat stopped struggling when Sinbad set him down. All he did was stare holes into Sin's scull. Sinbad walked away from the cat to grab a towel. He needed to clean up the little, helpless, kitty. The cat hissed again when Sin tried to pick it up with the towel. He pouted and just grabbed the cat.

He hurried to the bath, where the water had already started to fill up in the tub, and set the struggling cat in it. The cat, realizing it was in water, tried to jump out. Sinbad held it down so that he could clean it. But it seemed like the cat was already cleaned, and not in the cat way, but in the human way. It's fur had no mud or dirt in it. That was... suspicious. But Sinbad pushed that away and pulled the cat out of the water. It was shaking. Sin then wrapped it up in the towel and hugged it close to him. The cat held up a big struggle and pushed away from Sinbad. "You don't want to be warm?" Sin asked. The cat hissed in Sinbad's face. Sin was expecting a normal horrible breath, but instead there was no smell at all. Suspicious...

When Sinbad finally got the cat dry, he set it down on his bed. Then he checked the time. 5:00? It's dinner time! Sin turned to the cat, who was trying to make a run for it. He caught him before he could go anywhere. "Sorry, but I'll be gone for a little bit. You just stay in here and be nice to the maids who bring you food and water, ok." The cat stared that same gaze from before at Sinbad, which kinda hurt him. But he stood up and locked the balcony doors then walked over to the door. "Don't leave, ok." He said before leaving. Before he did leave, thought, he stared at the cat, who just kept that gaze at Sin the entire time. He's got a staring problem...

Tiny time skip: dinner

Sinbad sat down at the table that was full of his most trusted friends. Drakon, Masur, Hinahoho, Yamraiha, Sharrkan, Pisti and Spartos; the 7 generals. He sighed and looked at his arm. It was full of scratches and one of them was bleeding. Hinahoho looked at his arm. "Dude, what happened? You get attacked by a cat or something?" Sinbad nodded.

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