Mud Bros.

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Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

After a month of hanging out with Daz, Munch and Tory, I'm reminded of what it feels like to have brothers again. I never noticed how the feeling faded away with every month that went by with no word from Ace. Now, with Christmas approaching fast, the nostolgia is hitting harder than ever. Every new Monday serves as a gentle reminder that Christmas will be another holiday celebrated without Jonah.

A holiday he lived for, by the way.

Mama thought it was 'cause of all the gifts he got, but I knew better. Jonah loved Christmas so much 'cause it was the day we all paid attention to him. Even I--who thought the world revolved around me--always put my family before whatever holiday plans my girls and I came up with.

It was only right. There was no place for my ego under the Christmas tree. All my selfishness went up in smoke for Christmas, as if it chased Santa up and out the chimney, but I wasn't the only one.

It was like an unspoken rule that the holidays revolved around Jonah, which was weird considering Ace was the Christmas baby. His birthday was the one day he was allowed to be selfish, but still, he never was. He never hesistated to make Christmas a family affair, not even when he turned 21. Every year like clockwork, Ace would put the business of his birthday aside to focus on making the holidays every little boy's dream.

We would all crowd around Jonah and the mountains of toys Ace bought him. Ace wasn't cheap by a long shot, so Jonah's playroom would wind up looking like Santa's workshop. But all the money in the world was still no match for the pile of toys Simon had for him--some of which, still had the security tags attached.

God... Simon. If the holidays are this hard for me, I know it must be killing Simon. I have to wrap my arms around him from a distance 'cause who knows how he'll react if I touch him.

He's my heart in human form but I might as well be a donor for how much acknowledgement he gives me. We haven't said two words to each other since Munch took over the trap. I know I backed him into a corner, so I give him his space to be grouchy. I mean, didn't the grinch live at the top of a mountain away from whoville? I figure Simon's mean ass will come around eventually.

Since me and him are not on good terms and I won't be seeing Jonah's little hands attack the wrapping paper this year, it's nice to be spending the holidays with someone. Munch, Daz and Tory won't ever replace the blood brothers I have, but mud brothers are as good as any.

Tonight, I've dragged us all from our responsibilities to turn up at The Penthouse Xmas Eve Bash. Technically, Christmas Eve ain't til tomorrow but I figured all the baby mamas and baby daddies would wanna' spend Christmas Eve with their kids. That's why I'm giving them a chance to let loose tonight so they won't have to spend Christmas Day hurling over toilet seats tryna get rid of a hangover.

Today means getting so fucked up, they lose their will to do anything other than sleep tomorrow. Then, it's all apple pie, grandma kisses and thoughts that count. Or at least that was my plan when I came up with the idea.

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