Seeing Red

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Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

The elevator dings behind us, bringing down the last batch of niggas to The Loft's lobby. As expected, one of us is missing despite me warning this nigga not to be late. I ain't goin' out my way to remind him either. If he cares about Candyce as much he says he do, then I shouldn't have to.

Simon's ass woke me up three hours before my alarm could. The birds was still chirping outside when he started shaking me awake. I jumped up and grabbed my gun off the nightstand out of reflex. Simon ain't bat an eye. He stared at me with a straight face and said, "Get up."

I prolly would've choked him out if I was in my right state of mind. But I had been fighting demons all night, so I took his early morning wake-up call as a blessing.

Let's just say Candyce's situation got to me a lot more than I thought. I spent the night waking up in cold sweats imagining them niggas violating her in every way possible. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed and ain't been right since.

I could always do without Munch's company but his absence is something I ain't know I needed today. Fumes and flashbacks from last night's dreams is the only thing keeping me goin'. The last thing I need is a nigga like Munch tagging along just to disrespect and disobey me every chance he gets.

At least not while I'm still tryna shake off those dreams.

It seems like finding Candyce is the only way to put my mind at ease. I need everybody's head ina game to do that, and that includes niggas that don't like me. If Munch can't handle a simple fuckin' meet-up time, then maybe it's best if he just sits this one out.

"Y'all niggas ready?" I ask as the elevator doors open.

Rondo, Cutta, Reese and Tony file out.

"Ready," Rondo says.

I watch him pull his white, collared Gucci shirt over his gun. Then I size up the niggas next to him. Cutta looks well-rested and ready to go. Tony stands there silently like a solider awaiting orders. Then there's Reese.

This nigga never miss a chance to show out. Even on a rescue mission, he decked out in a platinum Cuban link chain with a black and white Armani Exchange T-shirt.

"Let's go get our girl," He says.

I pull my head back. He don't say it in any particular way, but I still don't like that he said it.

I search his face for what his words ain't saying. You never know. Losing Candyce got me ready to jump over hurdles to make her mine. Maybe Reese feeling a lil' nostalgic too.

I check his body language for signs of underlying intentions. But as far as I can tell, it's just geniune love from his end. He prolly just feel like he got a claim on Candyce 'cause they used to date, but I thought it was understood that that was ancient history.

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