Judgment Day

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Chapter 54

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Chapter 54

I been contemplating... meditating.
Shoulda waited... shoulda never dated.

With my phone on DND, Jhene Aiko's voice is the only one allowed in. It's taking everything in me not to cry as I lay in bed staring at the cieling. My satin pink pillowcase is soaked with tears. I don't think it could handle another drop.

That's not the reason I'm blinking back tears though. I'm just sick of being a stupid, sad bitch. Even I know I have to pick a struggle.

It's been two days since I found out the truth. I feel like I've been living on The Truman Show for the last seven months. Nothing is what I thought it was. Caesar ain't who I thought he was.

"So you trust Caesar but not me?" Ace asked at the cemetry. The truth is, I trusted Caesar more than him. Caesar was my rock when Ace left. He saved me in more ways than one. I mean, the nigga even helped me get away with murder.

I just don't understand how he can be the same person that snitched on my brother, set Tory up, and got Jonah killed. How is it that the one person that's been making me feel better is also the cause of all my pain?

I can't believe I really thought we were making progress this time. Things have been so good between us these last few weeks. I guess that should have been my first clue. All I've ever gotten was heartbreak from Caesar. I should have known things were too good to be true. If I did, maybe Tory would still be alive.

I wipe the tears that are crawling down my cheeks. I told myself I wasn't gonna cry anymore. That's all I've been doing the past two days. It's time I put on my big girl panties and focus on the real issue at hand.

When I left Caesar's house, I was so sure I was gonna' tell Ace everything. I even drove to The Loft, but I couldn't get out the car. I saw what Ace did to the last person he thought was a snitch. As much as Caesar hurt me, I couldn't just serve his head up on a silver platter. I put my car in reverse and backed out of the parking lot.

Now here I am two days later, weighing the pros and cons of telling Ace the truth. On one hand, there's no telling what Caesar has already told Guiterrez. For all I know, SWAT could be getting ready to break down our door any minute. The sooner I get Ace out of town, the better.

On the other hand, I can't just ignore what Caesar said. He promised he had a plan in place that would get that Fed Bitch off Ace's back forever. Not to mention, it would be nice to see that bitch go down for Tory's murder. But, after everything I just learned, I don't know if I can trust Caesar. He could just be making shit up to buy himself time to get out of the city before I tell Ace. Then again, if that was the case, I doubt he'd be calling and texting me as much as he is right now.

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