Collateral Damage

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Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

The last thing I wanna do is drive an hour away after promising Candyce I wouldn't leave her alone. I wouldn't be doing it at all if I wasn't going to meet the one person she need to be staying away from.

Daz ain't that person.

I don't know why he offered to take her home but it's good lookin'. Me and Red could both benefit from a distraction right now. As long as she in somebody else's company, then I got the space I need to make this meeting with Guiterrez happen. From the looks of it, I'ma need all the time I can get.

Baton Rouge is only an hour away so I'm pulling up to The Mall of Louisiana in no time.

I'd never agree to meet up at a place this wide and in the open but Felicity spookin'. She more concerned about me killing her than she is about getting caught.

Too many eyes. Too many ears.

That's all I'm thinking as I walk inside the mall. I don't know where she plan on having this conversation 'cause there's people everywhere. Parents stand in line with their kids waiting to see Santa. People are racing around looking for last minute gifts. The only quiet place is the food court. Disgruntled dads and impatient kids use up the tables and chairs waiting for their people to finish shopping.

I feel for them. Shit, I used to be them. Every holiday Beatie would drag me around while she bought last minute gifts for messy ass church ladies she know she ain't give a fuck about.
More often than not she'd wind up with a candle or sum'n else cheap talkin' bout "It's the thought that count."

Every year I had to watch them make side comments about my grandma's gift while she was busy pushing up on the pastor. Beatie was something else bruh.

I figure I'd join them while I wait for Felicity's scary ass. I sit at one of the empty white tables waiting for the prepaid she gave me to ring. I told this bitch I was here ten minutes ago and she still ain't hit back yet.

While I'm waiting, a white nigga pull up his chair next to me. Not at my table though; his ass know better. But he chose the table right next to me so it ain't like I got all that much elbow room.

All these fucking tables and he chose the one with a quarter inch of space between us. Obviously somebody before us pushed the tables together who didn't have enough room. Now ion got enough room.

"Hi, how ya doing?"

I stop twirling the flip phone around in my hand. I ain't even posed to be seen here so I really don't need some white dude in my face tryna make small talk.

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