Bullet 14: Provisional Hero License Exam!

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A/N: Skipping the Stain Arc since Vulcan, Valkyrie and the others were really busy at the Police Department...

The next day after Haruto and Elizabeth's date, U.A. and the Police Department agreed that Both Vulcan and Valkyrie are now honorary heroes so they could operate in both jurisdictions that involve both the Police and the Heroes...

Haruto and Elizabeth were given some time to decide but they wasted no second to accept and to prepare their equipment...

Terui and both Shotaro and Phillip were given Hero licenses so they could be recognized as heroes as well...

The Crimson Bike Hero: Accel

The Two In One Rider: Double

Shotaro asked for another one to remember his mentor...

Sokichi Narumi the detective presumed to be dead after his sacrifice to save Phillip...

The Dark And Silver Detective Rider: Skull

Shotaro was happy that he could do something to help remind him of his mentor and so Akiko could remember her father as a Hero...

---Scene Change---

Haruto and Elizabeth then told Sherren about their positions in the newly introduced Provisional Hero License Exam which many were excited for...

But they would soon be given the news that they only need to pass the first half of the test as they would be given roles as villains to fight alongside Gang Orca...

---Time Skip---

After a few weeks full of training everyone was ready to participate in the Provisional Hero License Exam, where almost everyone could be a newly licensed hero after passing the same, while those who didn't would find other ways to pass through the new Supplementary exam for this year...

As everyone got out of the bus they would notice many other buses as multiple other schools arrive to also join the Exam...

Midoriya and the rest of Class 1-A were nervous except Haruto, Elizabeth, Phillip, Mark, and Sherren who had done serious training with Accel and Double...

As they walked to the facility, Elizabeth met an old friend who applied to the same division as her!

His name is Dan Fujimura, otherwise known as Kamen Rider Ichi-Gata...

He is the First developer for the Rider System and CycloneRiser who Elizabeth help make...

Then there was Kamen Rider Horobi...

Derived from how the User was so "Horrible" at Close-Range and hand-to-hand fighting because he is more of a Long-Range fighter using his Attache Bow as his primary weapon and method to fight as the edges of his bow are basically blades that can slash his foes...

His real name is Shoichi Shijima, a person who helped Develop the Rider System alongside Dan and Elizabeth, he uses the ForceRiser that is loosely based on Dan's CycloneRiser...

These three were called the "Kamen Rider Trio" back at the Police Department with the addition of Haruto...

The three caught up as Elizabeth introduced Haruto to the two and they accepted him right away as the only person who could operate the "Vulcan Armor" which earned Haruto the respect of both inventors because the three of them designed Vulcan as the most powerful Kamen Rider System they created with the only one who can face it being Ichi-Gata...

Dan and Shoichi then told both Haruto and Elizabeth that the ShotRiser is the only Rider System that can "Evolve" as it gathers power from multiple sets of data that can give the armor a boost in both systems and combat abilities, which Elizabeth and Haruto benefits...

From the explanation, Haruto nodded in understanding while Elizabeth gave the two the "Obvious" look since she was the one who proposed and produced the system...

Unfortunately, when the "Valkyrie Armor" was created the armor was already as its limit due to an unknown glitch that the three inventors couldn't solve...

The fours parted ways as everyone was briefly introduced to the basics of the exam and were given time to equip their gear as Aizawa sat in the spectator stands beside Ms. Joke...

The two heroes had a short talk...

Ms. Joke: "Have you told them...?"

Aizawa: "About what...?"

Ms. Joke: "Their short entrance..."

Aizawa: "I wouldn't be so sure, this year's batch is a really interesting one..."

Ms. Joke: "Though I think you should have warned them..."

Ms. Joke: "About The Crushing Of U.A."

Chapter Ends...

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