Bullet 13: The Set-Up And Date...

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Shortly after Elizabeth accepted Haruto's "Accidental Date Proposal" Haruto was left in the Training Facility dumbstruck and frozen as hie subordinates both tease him, Sherren shaking their uncle as his uncle held his Fedora to stop it from falling off while being shaken and Terui and Phillip (Shotaro's Partner) laughed at the site...

All of this happened while Elizabeth just left the facility...

Shotaro escaped from Sherren's grip and asked the frozen boy...

Shotaro: "What are you going to do for your date...?"

Haruto then looked at his uncle and shook his head and lifted his shoulders...

Haruto: "I don't know..."

Haruto: "What should I do!?"

Shotaro: "I don't know since I've never been on one...So you're on your own..."

Sherren: "What about asking what she likes...?"

Haruto: "That's it! I don't know what she likes...!"

During this Mina, Uraraka, Hagakure, and the other girls overheard of the date proposal and were ecstatic as they approached Elizabeth...

As the girls talked it out, Haruto panicked and went to Terui considering he is married and has an actual kid...

Haruto: "What do I do!?"

Terui: "Relax, kid..."

Terui: "Just be yourself!"

Haruto: "I am myself and I'm panicking!"

Terui: "Take deep breathes..."

He said to the hyperventilating panicking Teen...

Haruto then started to take deep breathes and calmed down...


Elizabeth also panicked as she was bombarded with an absurd amount of questions!

Elizabeth panics due to this being her first date and as a special interaction "Outside" of the Lab...

Elizabeth goes to the girls for advice, as she has no idea what to do for a date...

The girls then recommended multiple places, Dresses, and even giving out fashion advice...

Both Haruto and Elizabeth were flustered on how to arrange their date as both have thought about going to multiple places, but in the end they settled on having a simple dinner in a nearby Restaurant that served Japanese and Western Food...

The two then met up that night disregarding  the advice of others who dictated odd methods like wearing too much make-up or wear more "Revealing outfits"...

Both arrived with normal casual clothes, though apparently The girls saw what Haruto was gonna wear and dressed Elizabeth accordingly!

Both arrived with normal casual clothes, though apparently The girls saw what Haruto was gonna wear and dressed Elizabeth accordingly!

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The two looked stunning...

Haruto: "You look...Beautiful...."

The teen said in a flustered tone...

Elizabeth: "Well...You look Handsome..."

She said blushing a brighter red than Kirishima's hair...

Haruto: "So...Let's get going..."

Elizabeth: "Then let's!"

She exclaimed with excitement...

Both traveled through the city as they left the U.A. office, where they were stationed...

Haruto and Elizabeth visited a few street vendors and ate what they were selling before walking to the Restaurant...

When they arrived through the entrance they were immediately visited by the Waiter...

Waiter: "Reservation..?"

Haruto: "Haruto Hidari..."

Waiter: "Wait a moment..."

The Waiter said looking through the computer, searching for his name...

After a few seconds the Waiter finally found Haruto's name in the Reservation list and lead the two of them to their designated table...

The teens blushed as they sat in front of each other...

Haruto: "So...Let's order..."

He said trying to start a conversation while pointing to the menu in his hand...

Elizabeth: "Yeah...That would be the best course of action..."

She said in a nervous tone...

They would order some food and awkwardly started a conversation...

It began rough but it went smoother the longer they talked as they waited for their food...

Elizabeth told Haruto that when she met Phillip, Mark, and Haruto when they were still recruits...

Haruto then pointed out that Elizabeth was "That Girl in the lab" that he always met for equipment briefings and upgrades...

Elizabeth then reminded Haruto when The ShotRiser was finally completed, Mark and Phillip tried to transform into Vulcan but were electrocuted due to both of them being incompatible with the system...

Haruto then reminded that Elizabeth looked so scared when he forced the Progrise Key to open afraid that he might break it...

After a few minutes of talking, their food finally arrived and they both ate while talking some more...

Until it was 10 PM they paid for the food and went outside walking back to the U.A. office...

When they arrived entered the gates of U.A. and went in front of the dorms, Elizabeth hugged Haruto making the teen blush and return the hug...

Elizabeth: "Thank you for tonight..."

Elizabeth: "It was fun..."

Haruto: "Likewise..."

The two hugged and separated, but not before Haruto could put a kiss on Elizabeth's forehead making the girl blush a crimson red before hugging Haruto tighter...

As the two stared into each others eyes, they were immediately startled by the sound of squealing as they looked at the source of the sound and saw Sherren with teh other girls!

Sherren: "Were we interrupting something...?"

She said teasing the couple...

Elizabeth panicked while Haruto shot out a glare that would turn into a smile...

The couple then went inside the dorms, parted ways to their separate rooms and slept through the night...

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