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Hi kitties


I was rocking Hayden to sleep. He is really an active boy. He had made me awake all night and now this little troublemaker is sleeping. I have got the sleep for about 3 to 4 hours and I am not feeling like to sleep more. I am happy to see this guy in my arms only and want to be with him 24/7 hours. I don't want to blink when he is near me. I smiled.

"Hazel, come downstairs and have your breakfast." I heard my aunt saying and I put Hayden in his crib and went to the dining area and sat on the table.

"After so many days I have seen you smiling like this." She said and I smiled more.

"Now my fears have come to an end and that is why I am smiling more now. I am thanking god that he had sent Scott brothers in my life. They had showed the true colors of my mother." I said and she smiled.

"Let me tell you one more truth of your life Hazel." She said and I looked at her.

"What is it?" I asked her.

"Lorena is not your real mother neither of your sister." She said that got me pretty bad.

"Your mother died while giving birth to your sister and this affected your father a lot and he was broken down and lost his mind. He wasn't aware of what he was doing until Lorena came and she was good at first but when she saw your father intention she was hurt and this had directly affected her mind and she lose it. She doesn't know what she is doing. She loved your father but after being addicted to drug she lost herself completely and now she doesn't even know what she is doing." She said and I was shocked.

"Well there is a lot of stuffs to digest." I said and she nodded.

"There is but now you are aware of her intention so I felt that I should tell you the truth." She said. I had lose my appetite.

"I am not feeling like to eat more." I said and before she could say anything I heard the door bell being rang. I looked at my aunt and she was also looking at me. I stood up and went towards the door and opened it and for my surprise I found Harry standing over there with a smile on his face.

"Harry." I said and he was there smiling over there.

"You haven't done the wise thing Hazel, by running away from me." He said and entered in the house.

"Hello Mrs. Blake." He greeted my aunt and ,my aunt smiled.

"Oh you guys were doing breakfast. Maybe I have disturbed your guys." he said.

"No you haven't. If you like you can do breakfast with us." Aunt said. I closed the door and sat beside him and I was still looking at him. I wasn't blinking at all. I was afraid that he will vanish away.

"Hazel eat your breakfast. I have something to talk to you." He said and I come out from my day dream and I blushed a little and have the food. My heart is racing fast when I saw him once again. I know that I have hurt him many time and today is the time when I could confess my mistake and could tell him whole truth. After the breakfast was done we sat in the living room. I didn't know from where I should start.

"So will you tell me everything or you have decided to sit there like a statue?" He asked and I sighed.

"I am not finding the words to tell you." I said.

"Well I already know the whole truth but I want to know from your mouth." He said and I looked at him.

"Who had told you the truth?" I asked him.

"Harold." He said and I sighed

"Around 19 years back my mother had divorced my father and came over America. After the divorce she was very sad that she started to drink and was working at the same time. Till I was in middle school she was just drinking but soon she started to take drugs and even left the job and that was the time when I have to do the job to pay off my fees. Her addiction grow day by day and at the end she wanted more and for more money she made the deal with Breck.

Breck liked me because I have saved him from an accident and as my mother wanted the money so he made the deal. even though he was in his late teen. My mother gladly accepted it and started to tell me that after I cross 21 I will marry Breck but between this she made another deal in which she sold me fully and according to Brent that person would have come to me in two months but he is also down.  Breck wanted me and that is why he kept his right hand behind me and he always used to threaten me that he would kill my mother and that kept me scared but suddenly one day I met you and you treated me like I am the very special person for you.

In order to not to lose you I have decided that I want to tell you about my life completely but that was impossible for me because that day Harold was there and was guarding me and instead of telling you the truth, I hurt you more.

The truth is that, I can't live without you. Without you I am incomplete and I want to be with you till the death apart us." I said and he was blank for few minutes and after a while he came and hugged me. I was overwhelmed and started to sob.

"Hazel from today onward there is end of your suffering. I will never leave you.'' He said and  smiled.

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