The Titan Attack

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"Mommy!!." I shouted. I mean what would you do if you were face-to-face with a Titan and your mom was trapped under wood from what's left of your house and your only a child aged 7? I was paralyzed in fear the Titan look gigantic to child. My mom was telling me to get out of here, but I couldn't hear her. I felt the Titan pick me up.
"No!! Take me instead of her! Let her go!!" My mom shouted to the Titan but it didn't listen. It was putting me closer and closer to it's mouth. My mom called for help but no one could hear her. Until one big slash and the Titan was down, I was falling to the ground. Just then I felt a strong arm around me I was too scared to look up.
"Hey brat you can open your eyes now, everything is okay now." I heard a male voice say. I only opened my eyes to reveal a brown haired man with gray, cold eyes. He looked like he was apart of The Scout Regiment.
He went to my mom who was under wood from our house that had fallen down.
"Please can you take (y/n) somewhere safe? Please look after my daughter." My mom said to the brown haired man. He nodded.
"(Y/n) you're gonna go somewhere safe okay. Away from here."
"But what about you Mommy?" I said in a sad voice.
"Don't worry about me." My mom replied back with a sad smile. In the distance we could hear footsteps belonging to a Titan.
"(Y/n) I love you. Don't forget that." My mom started to cry.
As the man started to run away carrying me with one arm. I saw a Titan getting closer to my mom. It grabbed my mom and ate her whole. It was like it happened in slow motion.
"MOMMY!!!" I cried as I saw the Titan devour my mom. I was crying so much I couldn't stop. The man was carrying me and walking back to The Scout Regiment Headquarters.

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