Am I Alone?

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I finally woke up, I was alone in an empty room. I guess Levi or Hanji brought me back. 'Why am I still here? Why did I get saved?' I thought to myself, 'I'm just a helpless kid who gets in the way' I was lost in thought until I heard someone knock at the door, I didn't answer I just sat there. The door slowly opened to reveal a brown haired man I think is name is Eren.
"Umm hey kid, are you feeling okay now? I know what happened was quite a scare." Eren said as he slowly walked in.
"I guess so..." I said not even looking at him. To be honest I didn't know what to feel, I felt numb.
"Look I know you're not okay and we are all trying to help you, Hanji was the one who fixed you up." Eren said.
"But why? Why did I get saved I don't deserve to be saved, I get in the way and everyone either gives me pity or they look at me in disgust!" I yelled the last part just before Levi walked in.
"Tch, just be grateful that your alive and breathing brat." Levi said, his voice gave a cold shiver down my spine.
"Levi you shouldn't be so hard on her. She has been through alot." Eren said studying my reaction.
"Tch, like I care." Levi said as he walked out of the room. I looked down in shame. Eren sighed and said "(y/n) I know it looks like he doesn't care but deep down I'm sure he does, anyway I'll let you rest now.." Eren got up and walked out closing the door behind him leaving me alone with my thoughts and memories...

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