Training Part 1

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"Right all of you brats. we will be training again today." Levi said looking towards all of the cadets. I was standing next to Levi and I saw Eren, Mikasa and Armin there too.
"But sir, um I don't mean to sound rude but um why are we training again? No offense sir but you're making us work our butts off." The one that had a horseface said. Uh oh Jean. Wrong time, wrong place. Levi gave Jean the famous cold death glare and walked towards Jean.
"Did I ask you to speak cadet?!" Levi looked up at Jean.
"Umm...n-no sir." Jean was trying to wriggle his way out of this one, but nooooo not this time.
"I make the orders around here brat. Do I make myself clear?" Levi said in a deadly cold tone.
"Y-y-yes s-sir." Jean finally stuttered out. Oh boyyy wrong move again Jean.
"Did I stutter horseface!?" Levi grabbed Jean by his collar of his shirt.
"No, sir. You didn't I'm sorry sir." Jean said without stuttering trying to sound brave. Eren and some of the other cadets were quietly giggling at the scene between Captain Shorty-Short-Temper 🤬 andddd Horse-butt-Face. 🐴 (sorryyy I'm just laughing my head off 🤣)
This did not go unnoticed by Levi.
"And all of you are on cleaning duty! You can thank Horseface and Jeager!" Levi yelled at the lot of them. They all groaned in annoyance. Cleaning duty yet again. Jean and Eren were sending death glares at each other.
"This is all your fault Jeager." Jean whispered.
"My fault?? It's your fault you started it with your horse crap!" Eren yelled covering his mouth after as Levi stared at him.
"If you want to keep your tongue I suggest you shut it Jeager." Levi said in a serious tone that shut Eren up.
"Now all of you get to your training stations!" Levi yelled.
"Yes sir." They said in union and saluted as they went off to train. Levi sighed and walked back up to me.
"Tch come on brat. You will train with me." Levi sighed again walking to an empty space as I followed behind.
"Yes Captain Levi!" I said sounding excited that I was actually going to do some training now.
"Soooo Captain what's first??" I questioned as I gave a big smile.
"Tch, first wipe that smile off your face. Training is no happy matter. It's life and death." Levi said as he gave a frown.
My smile dropped a little, I was only excited about training what could be the harm?
"Tch I'll show you how it's done first. Kirstein! Get your ass over here!" Levi yelled as he spotted Jean training. Well actually Jean was on the ground as he just got dropped by Annie...again.
"Y-yes sir??" Jean approached the short Captain carefully.
"Tsk...I'll show you how training is really done brat." He mumbled to me and walked up to Jean. Without warning Levi kicked Jean in the face and kicked him to the ground in a matter of seconds. Jean groaned in pain, as Levi kicked his face again.
"Um...ummm Captain don't you think that's enough, your hurting him." I whispered, I didn't really hate Jean but Levi's kicks seemed really painful.
"Tch, listen here brat. Training is meant to hurt, so you become stronger and more aware that anything can happen at any moment." Levi then grabbed Jean by his hair and kicked him again. 'Why is Jean taking it? He can fight back but why isn't he?' I thought. Levi let go of Jean as he fell to the ground on his face, in mud. Ooof now Jean needs to go to the infirmary andddd get cleaned up.
"Tch right brat your turn..."

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