Life Hidden For A Child

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My mom dead...everyone gives me pity. Why am I still here? This world is cruel but beautiful, yet I feel like no one cares. Even though I am only 7 years old I've people on the verge of death, being eaten alive by titans. I have changed within a few days. I feel less, I know more and I act differently, and yet I'm still only a young child...what is this cruel world becoming? I looked out the window, they are back, Levi, Erwin, Petra, Eren, Mikasa, Armin and a few other soldiers back from another expedition beyond the walls.
"I wonder what is it like being on the frontline. Maybe I should join the Scouts it's not like I have anything to lose anyway." I mumbled to myself. I got up and walked to Erwin's office. I knocked on the door as I heard a "come in" I opened the door and walked inside...
"Ah (y/n) what do I have this pleasure of seeing you?" Erwin gave a little smile.
"Well...I want to join the Scouts." I said both Erwin and Levi looked at me shocked considering I'm only seven.
"Listen brat, you're not old enough to join the survey corps. One second beyond the walls you would be titan food." Levi said the most utter truth harshly.
"I don't care I want to join." I showed no hesitation this is what I wanted.
"Levi is right. You are too young, and you wouldn't survive without help." Erwin looked at me studying my reaction.
"Just let me join...train me for the worst, I can prove you wrong!" I yelled, I had no idea why I wanted to join, maybe to kill monsters that killed my mom and my heart.
"Don't you get it BRAT?!! YOU ARE A FUCKING LITTLE KID, TOO YOUNG TO JOIN THE FUCKING SURVEY CORPS!!" Levi shouted at me at the top of his voice, obviously annoyed that a kid wanted to join and probably get killed. I just stood there unphased by his shouting.
"Levi calm down, look (y/n) how about we start to train you when you are fourteen? Does thas seem reasonable to you?" Erwin said leaning down to my height.
"Yes sir that sounds reasonable." I smiled a little.
"Erwin?! WHAT THE FUCK, YOU KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN AND YOU STILL WILL TRAIN HER!!?" Anddd here goes the short tempered shortie rambling on and onnnn.
"Levi I said calm down! And you will train her with the rest of them when she is fourteen." Erwin gave me a little smile and ruffled my hair.
"Oh for fucks sake! Why me? Get Shitty Glasses to do it." Levi argued.
"Levi do not argue with me, my decision is final." Erwin seemed really calm even with angry shortie pants here.
"Fine it is settled, brat you will join the fucking survey corps when you turn fourteen." Levi sighed in defeat....

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